Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's cold outside

I contemplated calling you all Baby in that title. But I refrained. You're welcome. But it is indeed quite chilly here.

I finished reading The Nerdist Way or whatever that book was called. Geeky self help style book. Had some interesting ideas. I think one of the ones I really want to look into is de-cluttering. It is sadly probably time for me to throw away a bunch of my old magazines. Alas.

Season 4 of Castle is fine. The working with the CIA episode was a little sillier the second time through. I'm not sure how/why we managed to catch that one when it originally aired, but I remember it. Although I didn't remember the twist at the end. Funny.

Introduced Dad to Ugg-tect last night. It was amusing. The boys managed to eke out a victory over the girls. Guess we still manage to prove the old saw that guys are better at spatial relations than girls...

Glad Christmas is around the corner. Only sort of ready for it. Even more glad that it is accompanied by some time off. Really hoping to decompress some again. Hopefully get some games played with family and friends. Wil Wheaton did a google+ hangout that you can find over at the Geek and Sundry channel about Tabletop. It was pretty interesting. He had a couple nice stories about playing games with his kids while they were growing up. Apparently NBC found Tabletop interesting enough that they're trying to rip it off to turn into a prime time show. I doubt it will be quite as interesting. Especially as I can't picture them actually playing interesting games.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and can spend it with those you love.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Winter is here

Not so much due to snow as the sudden drop in temperature. I suspect we're now officially in the chillier temperature mode of the season. Which is fine. I don't mind the cold too much. As long as there's a blanket somewhere...

Not really anything else to say about Roadside Picnic. It was good. I'm now going through a geeky, improve your life sort of book as well as Breed which is a sort of reverse Rosemary's Baby kinda thing from the sounds of it. And nothing says Merry Christmas like a reverse Rosemary's Baby sorta thing.

Got to go to J & K's wedding reception last night. That was nice. Got to see a couple of old Ovid co-workers as well. And that was fun too. Lovely wife managed to represent for us at the wedding itself. I was too busy fighting with a printer to get away.

We watched Lake Mungo over the weekend and it was kind of amazing. It starts out as what you think will be a sort of run of the mill ghost story done as documentary sort of film but there are some pretty nifty surprises waiting for you in the film. I recommend this one. Except that while we were watching it, some of the should be spooky ghost scenes were too dark to see what was supposed to be going on. Not sure if this was the fault of the film or our tv settings. I think it was the version of the film we were watching. Little sis should give this one a go on Netflix. K might appreciate it too.

We're finally starting to make our way through Castle season 4 (I believe). The first few episodes were pretty good. I still like the banter.

Glad that Dad will be in town next week. Will be good to see him again and have him around through Christmas. Hard to believe that's as close as it is. Still have a touch of Christmas shopping to do, but we're pretty close to being done.

Oh and I'm no longer sort of addicted to Haggis on the iPad. It's full blown now. Such a fun little game.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Just a jumble

So I ran across this show called Holliston while working one day. It stars Adam Green of Hatchet and Frozen fame. I like his stuff. And this was a sitcom about two slackers trying to make a low budget horror movie (Shin Pads! When they score, you die! It's about a zombie soccer team and, well, you really had to be there I guess...) Anyway, it started off sort of slow and I wasn't entirely sure I'd finish it. But it grew on me. I either lowered my expectations appropriately, or it really did get better. So it gets a tentative thumbs up. But you really probably ought to like low budget horror to really get a kick out of it.

I am virtually finished with Roadside Picnic (I have something like 4-5 pages left I think) and it's pretty darn good. I can't say whether I liked it or Solaris better, but Russian sci fi is indeed good. Well, ok the 2 books I've read have been good.

We got in a game of 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion the other day. It was pretty fun. It's been a while since we've played that one. I ended up roughly somewhere in the middle of the score pack while M managed a victory due to R's coaching. We also played some Lords of Waterdeep and I actually managed to beat R whilst playing. Truly an amazing moment.

I'm somewhat addicted to Haggis on the iPad. It's a ladder style card game for 2-3 people and it was on sale the other day. I've always wanted to try it and I find it truly compelling. I may break down and buy Tichu next as it's a similar style game.

And in case you thought Cthulhu wasn't good for anything, I present this. (Oh and the Cthulhu advent calendar on the iPad is pretty great too.)

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Finished the newest Rick Castle book, Frozen Heat. I don't really have anything to say about it. It's a decent Nikki Heat story and at this point you either enjoy the Castle tie-ins or you don't care. So, yeah...

I have started reading Roadside Picnic which is apparently Russian sci-fi at its best. I rather like it so far myself.

Skyfall was indeed good.

As was my week off. In spite of turning another year older. Drucon 4 was rather successful. Ugg-tect may well be my new go to party game. Inflatable spiked clubs and caveman speech plus colored blocks do indeed make for a fun, silly game. We also got in some Shadows Over Camelot (I fail as traitor, although I remained undiscovered) as well as telephone pictionary and Say Anything. Plus there was an awesome companion cube birthday cake. (I really need to get a picture of it up) And lots of good food. Plus d4 keychains as swag. What's not to love?

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Can't believe November is drawing to a close.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

tock tock tock

The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini was pretty fun to read. It's a YA book geared towards boys, especially the tabletop gaming variety. (*cough* D&D *cough*) Oh sorry, it's C&C in the book's world, but whatever. There are some brief moments of crude boy humor, but mostly it follows Perry as he tries to do the thing called growing up. With the help of some folks from a parallel world. You'll know pretty quick if you're going to like it or not. It's a pretty quick read too, so it's at least worth looking at if you like YA fantasy-ish sorts of things.

I've started watching Indie Game: The Movie while I exercise. It's interesting and sort of depressing.

In other news I am almost officially old. And in dire need of a vacation. Fortunately I have one of those next week. Happy early Thanksgiving to all of you. I hope you can spend it with those you love and that there's a side dish on the table that you really enjoy.

Apparently M had the opportunity to write about her favorite games the other day. I thought maybe she'd pick Summoner Wars when lovely wife was relating the story, but apparently she went with Betrayal at House on the Hill (which I might have guessed if I'd thought about it a bit more) followed by Mansions of Madness and Elder Sign. I was unaware that she'd actually played Mansions of Madness except for maybe that initial game back when we got it and I was trying to sort out the rules. It's certainly an interesting trio of games to pick. Guess I'll have to get her reading some Lovecraft now...

Still haven't made it to Wreck it Ralph. And now Skyfall is out as well... Silly movies.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Tick tick tick

So we survived the influx of family. It was good seeing everybody again. Had a good visit with Dad and a couple brief visits (that were also good, just brief) with the in-laws. We also saw youngest sister briefly here and there. G had a good birthday and a really nice baptism. We discovered that Walmart makes really excellent party subs for next to nothing (seriously, 6 foot longs, a jar of mayo, a jar of mustard, lettuce, tomato and red onion in various containers all for $28).

G scored a couple Nerf rifles for his birthday. There may or may not have been much shooting of various family members with them. I suspect we'll need to stock up on bullets.

Dad kicked in and helped me upgrade my sad little cell phone to an iPhone 5. It's a pretty nifty phone I must say. I've even mostly got the hang of it. If nothing else, it helps feed my Super Crate Box addiction... I tried to use Facetime on it so younger sis could say hi while we were at the baptism, but it doesn't seem to like to do that too much. We either didn't have great reception or it works better over wifi. Although I think I tried again at home using that.

Littlest sis snagged me a copy of Ugg-tect. It's a party game involving inflatable spiked clubs and caveman speech. I think that's really all I need to say. It will be making an appearance at Drucon 4. I expect much hilarity will ensue.

I keep hoping to get to Wreck it Ralph, but so far have been unsuccessful...

It seems like there should be lots of other things I need to mention. I finished Mark of Athena. It was fine. I think I'm almost done with Rick Riordan though. I like his books, I think I'm just moving on from them. Although if he really does tackle Norse mythology, I'll certainly give that a go.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

No more spiders

Finished This Book is Full of Spiders and it was great fun. I liked it better than John Dies at the End. It's a more cohesive story and I think the writing is better as well. Some truly laugh out loud moments as well as some nice eerie stuff. So good.

Mark Z. Danielewski's sort of ghost story, The Fifty Year Sword was pretty interesting too. It's certainly one that probably requires slightly more attention than I gave it, but the story was fun and suitably spooky. Although I will admit to still being a touch confused by the ending.

I plowed through the next two volumes of The Sixth Gun as well. They were great. I really like this series a lot. More western apocalyptic goodness.

Happy birthday to G! Glad to hear he's not falling for trick hugs that are spankings in disguise. And I am amused that he wanted chocolate chip banana bread with candles for breakfast.

As the iOS version was on sale for .99 cents the other day and they were giving away the desktop client for free for Halloween, we've been messing about with Plants vs Zombies. It's actually kind of fun. Mostly because I like the zombies. They amuse me. I also snagged Girls Like Robots which is a fun logic puzzle sort of game. And The Room is another fun puzzle game. I think my brain might explode from all the puzzle-y goodness.

G and I are just about through that first season of Haven. I've really enjoyed it.

Otherwise, it's good to have family in town for a bit. Although it will certainly be a hectic weekend. And sorry little sis couldn't make it up, but that's ok. Moving house and so on are certainly valid reasons not to make the trek.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


So we forced Paranormal Activity and Cabin in the Woods upon new victims over the weekend. A good time was had by all. Well except for the scaring to death part and the what did we just watch part. Ok, I had a good time. And I suspect at least one or two of the others did as well. I still rather enjoy those movies...

Also worth noting is that the heroes actually won a game of Betrayal at House on the Hill over the weekend as well. We managed to whomp that ghost good. Heh.

G and I are continuing to watch season one of Haven. It's been quite good. I am glad there is more of the show waiting for us when we finish this round.

So, October is just about done. Who let this happen? I don't really remember much of it at all and I am not remotely prepared for November or December...

Oh, I should also mention that it's snowing here. Quite a bit actually. It's still early enough that nothing is sticking, but I am rather impressed at Winter's early start. I suspect I am going to have to shovel far too much snow this Winter. Alas. I like snow though. Except for when I'm commuting...

Happy Halloween! (Almost)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Spider (he is our hero)

Currently hip deep in This Book is Full of Spiders by David Wong. It's the sequel to John Dies at the End and so far it's pretty great. Funny, creepy all those great tastes that taste great together. And strangely I seem to have won a copy of the ARC from Tor. So thanks Tor! Free book full of spiders bent on destroying the Earth. What's not to love about that?

I finished Professor Gargoyle, one of the new Lovecraft Middle School books in an evening. It's good, sort of spooky fun. If nothing else it has a two headed rat. (But no Earth destroying spiders)

We watched The Avengers over the weekend. It's pretty official - I am done with superhero movies (possibly excepting the Nolan Batman stuff, but I'm not positive about it either). It's not that it was bad, it just wasn't that great either. Mostly it was silly. (It may have needed more Earth destroying spiders instead of Aliens all hooked up to one ship. Seriously? All the aliens run off that one ship?)

I do rather enjoy the Superhero Cafe stuff that the folks over at How it Should Have Ended put out though. So if you've not seen that stuff, go give it a watch.

Got a couple board games in over the weekend. Another round of Betrayal at House on the Hill as well as some King of Tokyo and Cthulhu and Zombie Dice. Once again the traitor prevailed. Although it was a pretty close call. Well, maybe not that close. Stupid Frankenstein's monster... This weekend will feature horror movies and maybe a game or two. Looking forward to it.

McK has always had a love/hate relationship with math. Theoretically she was going to be studying Geometry this year so I checked out the new Danica McKellar book Girls get Curves to see if it was of any help to her. I've heard good things about her math books. We'll see if it's any good.

I think G and I are going to give the first season of Haven a go. He watched the first episode with me the other day. It was actually kind of interesting.

Lovely wife has recently taken interest in some simple knitting projects. A scarf and a couple hats using these easy little loom things. We shall see what becomes of this. (Unless we get eaten by the spiders)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rowling and other sundries

Alright. So I managed to finish The Casual Vacancy. And that's really the only good thing I can say about it. Well, the other is that Rowling still manages to be a decent world builder. Too bad she filled this one with such horrible people that by the end you really don't care what happens to any of them. I've heard that she said that she expected her audience to be in tears at the end of the book and if they weren't, then that was a person she didn't want to meet/know. After wading through 500 pages of terrible people, I don't know that I want to meet her either. Any emotional weight she wanted the ending to have is just completely overshadowed by her attempts to write an "adult" novel. It takes more than a lot of swearing, sex and drugs to manage to be mature. Just ask the video game industry - they've been struggling with that for years now.


On a lighter note, The Sixth Gun is a pretty fascinating comic collection that also features not necessarily nice people but manages to be a whole lot more enjoyable. It's an apocalyptic-ish Western sorta thing. I recommend this one. I like the art style and the story hits all of the right notes. The beats of the story aren't exactly ground breaking, but the setting itself is fun and that grants it a few favors.

I'm about to start This Book is Full of Spiders, the sequel to John Dies at the End. I'm looking forward to it.

Blade is dumb. That is all. (No really, it's horrible. Why are there three of these movies?)

The Tall Man is the weirdest "horror" movie I've seen in quite some time. You go in expecting one thing and then about halfway through it turns into something else and then the end manages a twist on that and then you're left wondering why this is a movie. It's not bad, but it is really weird...

After watching the Pandemic episode of Tabletop I really wanted to snag the game and its expansion. Alas the expansion is out of print at the moment and most likely won't be available until the end of the year/beginning of the next. So we've done the next best thing and played a lot of Forbidden Island. On legendary. With some of the alternate islands. We've lost every time and it has been glorious. I'm keeping my eye out for Pandemic and the expansion though.

I need a bell for our copy of Pit. I'm not sure why I have a copy that doesn't have a bell. This is terrible.

It's time to start planning Drucon. The real trick is finding some games that will play seven people or so. We might try splitting the group up some, but we'll see. Fortunately Shadows Over Camelot plays that many. As does Pitchcar and 7 Wonders and a few others that we have running around/access to. (See the previously mentioned Pit. Why do you think I need a bell?) I think we'll also try a round of the Pictionary/telephone game.

And to finish things off an early Happy Birthday to lovely wife. I would mention her age here (it's legitimate this go round) but I'll be nice. Love you sweetie!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

back again

However briefly...

So I started Rowling's new book, Casual Vacancy. So far, I am not that enamored by it. She seems to have decided that writing an adult novel means she needs to use lots of swearing and sex (or at least discussion of it). Also, I almost think the book is a little too specific to England for us folks across the pond. At least the political parts. People are pretty much people everywhere. So those parts remain universal.

Finished off the third season of Community. It was fun. It'll be interesting to see how this last season goes.

Gave the letter 'r' the new X Wing miniatures game by Fantasy Flight. Got in a game of that over the weekend. It's an interesting little tactical minis game. The figures are absolutely gorgeous. The game itself plays pretty well, but it's definitely a minis game where they want you to buy the boosters and build your army so that there's more "Game" there. The base set comes with 2 Tie Fighters and 1 X Wing and three scenarios you can play through to see how things all work together. At that point you'll want to buy more figs (or another base set for your friend/family) so you can make Star Wars noises while you blow each other off the table.

Finally finished Game of Thrones. I am interested in reading the next one, but will give myself a little break before starting it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Very Brief

Community Season 3 is more Community. That pretty much sums it up (it's still funny).

I have the new J.K. Rowling book from the Library. We shall see if it's good. Apparently I need to read it quickly as it's a 14 day checkout... Well, by that point I'll probably know if I just want to pick it up I guess.

I am revisiting Trigun while I exercise. I had forgotten how much I like that show.

Call the Shots ended up being fine. It is certainly a third book in a crude boy humor series. I think I still like Beat the Band the best.

And that is all. For now.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The End is Nigh

For Summer that is. I forget if it's today or tomorrow, but that last day is within grasp either way. And that's good.

Oh hey, Cabin in the Woods is out on DVD. If you never saw it, for shame, go watch it now.

We have played several more games (well at least 2) of Betrayal at House on the Hill. It has continued to be fun. The heroes lost both times to the traitor. There were ghosts of various types involved in both instances. It is distinctly possible we will be playing again this weekend.

I have an idea banging around in my head for a board game. I will have to see if I can flesh out actual parts and rules and mechanics. I will be borrowing liberally from a couple other games. More on that if it materializes.

I am reading way too many books. One is on game design another is Call the Shots, the final book in the crude boy humor series that started with Swim the Fly, I'm still going through Game of Thrones and it seems like there are others. I have no idea. Honestly I can't keep anything straight at this point. You're lucky (for varying degrees of luck) I can string words together in any sort of coherent fashion...

In fact my brain has shut down enough that I can't be bothered to cont

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Almost coherent

After several years, and only a couple actual plays, I traded away Arkham Horror. It was time to let it go. We just don't really get three hour games to the table very often. Especially games with very complex rule sets (or at least rule sets that aren't well explained). I still have a few three hour games, but they either get played more (Mansions of Madness waves a tentacle) or are new enough that I haven't given up on them yet. I got a decent amount of store credit at a local comic book/game store and ponied up a little more cash to pick up Betrayal at House on the Hill. Think of it as The Haunting of Hill House the game. It's a story driven affair in which you spend the first half exploring a haunted house together and then at a somewhat random point the Haunt starts up and one of the players may become a traitor. At that point the traitor tries to accomplish a goal and the remaining players try to thwart said goal. Each team has a story book they read from to get the gist of what's happening.

We tried this out last weekend with a good deal of fun. Lovely wife and the girls joined me as we wandered through the mansion prior to the Haunt. I won't spoil what happened except to say we had one of the few encounters where there isn't a traitor. Instead we ended up turning on each other as we tried to escape. It was actually pretty fun. M and I both safely escaped while lovely wife and McK were left to a horrific fate. I've heard the game can be pretty random and occasionally unbalanced depending on how the house is set up as the haunt starts, but I think we'll be ok with that. The narrative you can create while playing is still pretty fun. So a worthwhile trade methinks.

I also dug out Bohnanaza for grins and chuckles. This is still an odd little card game, but I think we'll give it a  few more tries.

The lawn can stop growing now...

And that's about all I've got. We are slowly descending into the madness that is the last part of the year - filled with various birthdays and events. The kids are pretty much back into the hang of school. The weather is once again nearing comfortable. Now if I could just convince the rest of my life to follow suit...

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Finally Fall

Fall has been in the air this last week. We had some pretty great thunderstorms on Saturday (complete with hail and everything). They kind of messed up the Jackie Chan double feature we were watching (both Operation Condor movies were on TV), but they were fun to watch and listen to.

Also managed to get some board games to the table with some friends of ours on the holiday. Lovely wife managed to beat my by three points at Ticket to Ride. It was most annoying. Especially as I suspect I caused her to gain those extra points...

I read the novel tie in for Paranorman. It was fun. I'd like to see that.

Other than that not a lot to report. I will be glad once the sprinklers are off and the mowing of the lawn is behind me for another year.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Looking back

The question of the week on the Dice Tower podcast last week was all about what game got you into gaming. I decided I'd jot some thoughts here about that question. In my youth it was probably Monopoly that held my interest. The old Red Box Dungeons and Dragons wasn't too far behind though and occupied a good chunk of my school years. Axis and Allies was probably the closest thing to a hobby game that really had me hooked back then. In college it was things like Canasta and Boggle. And then I didn't play many board games for a while. As far as my current interest in board games, that's probably down to Settlers of Catan. I'm pretty sure that's the one that really got the ball rolling and made us realize that there were lots of interesting games out there. It's kind of interesting to look back and see what sorts of things held my attention and how I've evolved as a gamer.

Speaking of games, due to a nice little trade at our local game store, I managed a new copy of Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small for the princely sum of 0$. (They wanted Balloon Cup and I really didn't) I'd say we got the better end of the deal as lovely wife and I will actually play Agricola. This is a 2 player version of a much more complex game. It's worker placement (similar to Lords of Waterdeep) with a farming theme - you're trying to raise animals on your farm. You have to divide the land up into various pastures before you can place the animals and then each pasture can only hold so many before you need to add a feeding trough. There are a few resources to handle and you have three workers to place each turn and there are 8 turns. I believe. It's a nice little game with lots of decisions to make and you will mock each other's farm and then yell as you score the game and realize you didn't have enough pigs and have to lose points, but you did have horses, but wait - your significant other actually had enough of every animal - and what do you mean I lost?! And then you'll play again. I really do recommend this one if you're in the market for a nice two player game.

Watched Zen over the course of the last week. It's a BBC detective show similar to Sherlock in that it's only three episodes and they're in the hour and a half range. I rather liked it. The last episode was surprisingly funny. Might have to track down one of the books.

We managed to get out house refinanced so I guess that's one thing the recession has done for us. I can't believe we have an interest rate in the 3% range. Plus we managed to shave a couple years off the loan. So yay for that as well.

G and I have been building forts lately out of the couch. It's been good fun. We've taken to building a fort and then watching Gravity Falls on the ipad (since we no longer have the Disney Channel). If you've not seen that show, you really should as it's awesome.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

afternoons and coffee spoons

I've always liked Eliot. So I borrowed some of his best for the title. If you've not read The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock you should. It will certainly be more entertaining than the couple little paragraphs you're going to get here.

Finished off Riordan's recent collection of  Percy Jackson inspired short stories. They were fine. One of them was apparently by his son. Slightly different writing style (his Dad tends to be funnier and not quite as ... formal I guess is the best word) but not bad. If you like the Percy Jackson stuff and have followed up with the new series you'll like it well enough.

We watched The Woman in Black the other night. Well, lovely wife watched it. I dozed through the beginning and then watched the last half or so. Which is a shame, as it looked like it was pretty good. It is a little slow (period horror piece after all) but don't blame the movie for my inattention. That's all sleep deprivation. It differs a touch from the book, but it's fine. Mostly the ending. And the beginning, but you need to see the ending for that to make sense.

I want to see the new Bourne movie...

The kids are all back in school. That's nice. They are no longer quite as bored as they once were. Although McK is longing for the days when she could sleep in. Early morning seminary is apparently quite early. She's even up before I leave.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Not today

Too much stress, too little sleep.

Swim the Fly was fun crude boy humor. The Cabin in the Woods Visual Companion was a fun inside look at the movie.

And yeah, that's all I've got.

Other than happy birthday M! Don't shoot the dog with your bow and arrows.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Sounds like that tomato-y stuff on burgers

Was pretty under the weather last week. Kids started off with it and were kind enough to share. I'm mostly past it at this point, but other forces are conspiring to keep me not at my best. So, well, don't expect too much. (Of course if you've read anything here before, your hopes should be sufficiently low already)

Avatar was indeed brilliant. Really enjoyed all three seasons. The kids managed to make it through the live action movie, but mostly on the power of mocking. So yay for mocking I guess.

Lovely wife and I have been making our way through The Dresden Files again because it's still amusing. We're also watching Dollhouse. That's a pretty trippy show.

I watched the Samurai trilogy courtesy of the Criterion folks. I rather enjoyed them. I also enjoyed the brief commentary that was on each disc talking about the real Musashi Miyamoto and how his life differed (or mirrored) the movies.

I finished reading The Apocalypse Codex by Charles Stross. More brilliant Laundry Files fun. At this point you either know what the series is and are reading it as well, or me telling you the fourth book is also fun won't matter.

I'm giving the Song of Ice and Fire series another go. I've read Game of Thrones before, but I've decided to read it again just to remind myself of all the little details before jumping into the next one.

So yeah, lots of reading, lots of watching stuff. We did finally manage our game weekend and fun was had. Shadows Over Camelot is a pretty brilliant little cooperative game. We played it twice and I'd have given it a third go, this time throwing in the traitor mechanic. Lots of hard little decisions to make and not enough time to do all the things you need to do. We eked out a victory in Elder Sign (ok I eked out a victory as I was the last one standing). Managed a game of Lords of Waterdeep and I forget what else. Some Hearts I think.

Kids are ready to go back to school and Summer is indeed drawing to a close. I am glad. I'm ready for some cooler temperatures. Although apparently the US has been the hottest it's ever been this year, so who knows what we have heading our way. I will pretend it's Winter though. With cold and some snow.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Curses, foiled again

I have nothing of great interest to pass along. Lovely wife has been tooling around town some with her early birthday present - one of those cruiser style bikes. I find them to be difficult to turn, but she's getting a kick out of it and can go on bike rides with the kids. So there's that.

I suspect the kids are ready for school to start up again. They're starting to go a little nuts around the house. We try and throw them out every day, but they keep coming back. No idea what that's about. If nothing else, I'm ready for the kids to go back to school again. Although lovely wife would probably disagree when factoring in carpool and increased after school activities again.

Wizards of the Coast is trying to take my money with the recently released Dungeon Command. Turn based card driven combat with cool minis?! What's not to love there?

We're on the final season of Avatar and it's been quite good. Not sure what we'll latch onto next. Lovely wife's been trying to interest the kids in some old TV show called Voyagers. I only vaguely remember it. Not sure I watched that one much. I've heard good things about Gravity Falls over on Disney. May need to find a way to check that one out. Twin Peaks for kids or an animated Eerie, Indiana are the two ways I've heard it described. Again, what's not to love there? Maybe I should start tracking down Twin Peaks...

We've had some rain lately so the lawn is doing its best to demoralize and kill me. It's succeeding.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I've got nothing

No really, there's nothing to see here.

The original Avatar: the Last Airbender animated show is awesome. The live action one is not (I could only take 5-10 minutes before turning it off in disgust).

Alas, games were not played last weekend due to a rampaging fever, courtesy of M. We are attempting to reschedule.

The cheesecake ice cream, poured into a pie crust and served with blueberries, was quite yummy however.

Yeah, that's really all I've got.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ugh, the heat

While my sisters more than likely have it worse temperature wise, I am very tired of the heat. And we're only about half through July. Joy.

Been watching the Alien movies again. I wanted to do this closer to when we saw Prometheus, but oh well. The first one is (sadly) a little on the boring side. I am aware of this and am even known to enjoy slow Ridley Scott sci fi (Blade Runner says hi) but this film could move just a touch faster. There are moments of real beauty and horror and camaraderie, but, well ... still kinda slow. I think due to that it actually holds up pretty well though. Aliens on the other hand is a goofy 80s James Cameron action flick. It may have been new to the space marine scene when it came out, but that milieu has been mined, parodied and generally beaten like a dead horse by film and video games a lot since then and watching it again it suffers some. It does get better towards the end of the flick, but during that first little while I kept expecting the Terminator to show up or something. Cameron definitely has his grubby little prints all over this film. We'll see how the other two go. I'm one of the few people I know that liked the third film and the fourth... well... umm...

I am still trudging through Dan Simmons's The Terror. It is interesting, but that guy needs to learn to write shorter books. Or I need more time to read.

Psst. Quantum Conundrum is really just more Portal. And that makes it awesome. The demo is a lot of fun. I may need to snag this one.

The new Laundry Files novel is out. It's sitting at my desk taunting me. Must. Read. Now.

There has been a distinct lack of board games in my life lately. Fortunately this weekend should remedy that. I believe we will finally get to try Shadows Over Camelot. I am looking forward to that. And more ice cream. And cheeseburgers. Which unfortunately means I really need to get back to exercising. Alas.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Brief thoughts

Not much remains of Dad's visit, but it has been a good one. I suspect retirement will suit him well. I suspect retirement will suit me well, but alas that won't happen for quite some time, milestone birthdays or no.

Brave was quite good and certainly worth seeing. It was enjoyed by all. There were varying levels of enjoyment for Chronicle and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. I liked both of them well enough, but I'm more suited to them, so that's no real surprise.

Summoner Wars and Haggis are both theoretically available in the iOS app store. I've been trying to download the former since yesterday, but there seems to be some sort of issue with its availability. Curses.

Other than that, I don't really have the energy to write up all the happenings. New computer. Trips to Planet Play and the pool. J Dawgs. (I think that's how that's spelled) Homemade ice cream. All the things that make for a successful summer and an enjoyable visit with family. We'll all be sad to see Dad go. Especially as he's leaving at some unholy hour in the morning and needs a ride to the airport...

We also got to watch the fireworks over at letter 'r's last night. The wind played havoc with the display a little and it was strange to see the fireworks juxtaposed with the forest fire on the mountain, but they were certainly pretty.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mentally checked out

My brain is off wandering around somewhere, so this will be short and pointless. As opposed to the normal almost short and pointless.

Re-watched the Daniel Craig Bond flicks. Casino Royale still excellent. Quantum of Solace still not great, but also not horrible.

The Secret World of Arrietty was mostly ok. I thought it started a little too slow, but the last 1/3 or so was pretty decent.

And yeah, that's about it. Vacation looms nigh as does a visit from Dad, so that's grand. I am very much looking forward to it. Hopefully brain will not be so much tapioca...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Prometheus and other space oddities

As a belated anniversary date lovely wife, some friends and I went to see Prometheus. We opted for the 3D version and I must admit that's probably the first movie where I can say the 3D was pretty dang cool. It offered an amazing sense of depth to the film. As for the movie itself I really liked the Alien nods. And sure, there were some "boy those scientists sure are dumb" moments, but I thought the film was fine. It's a different creature (HA) from Alien and I'm ok with letting it stand on its own like that. There are indeed lots of questions, but if you've been on the internet at all this past week and have any sci fi web surfing tendencies, you've seen lots of debate and answers and interviews that offer thoughts on that sort of stuff. So yeah, good to see Ridley do some sci fi again.

I finished Paolo Bacigalupi's The Drowned Cities. I'm not quite sure what my opinion on that is. You'll see the 3 star rating over there on the sidebar (if you ever look at that thing) but it's really more of a 2.5. I didn't want to go as low as 2, but 3's a bit of a stretch as well. I rather liked Shipbreaker, and this one was set in the same universe, but it just wasn't as interesting. I did get into it enough that I wanted to finish it, but that's about it. I read a preview of the book where Bacigalupi talked about how this book was born out of the current political strife we're going through here in the states (and the setting is an apocalyptic jungles based DC - Drowned Cities, get it?) and that probably should have been more of a warning to me than I took it for. Not that the book is terribly political (at least at a story event level, it's more of a thematic undercurrent) and that might have been part of the problem too. Oh well.

We played Power Grid over the weekend. An interesting little area control game. A little math heavy and it can be quite cutthroat as well. I'm willing to try this one again, but I suspect it's not one I'll feel the need to pick up.

And this weekend is Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to Dad. I am a slacker and have not gotten anything in the mail to him, but he'll be here in a little over a week, so I don't feel that bad. Alas I have to struggle through the Fathers and Sons campout this weekend before I can get any pampering. Whose idea was that?

Thursday, June 07, 2012

I'm heeeerre

Honestly I never left...

I was saddened to learn that Ray Bradbury passed away yesterday. Something Wicked This Way Comes is still a favorite of mine. As is a lot of his short fiction. I should really get around to reading The Martian Chronicles and Dandelion Wine... I enjoyed his settings and the way he breathed life into seasons and locales.

Watched The Innkeepers last night, Ti West's latest horror flick. It's another slow burn set a little in the past. I enjoyed this one more than his first film, House of the Devil. It wasn't quite as slow as that one and the ending was much better. Plus it was actually creepy in places, something I don't remember the other film really pulling off that well. So little sis and K should check this one out.

Finished reading Spell Bound, the latest Hex Hall book. It was fun. I was a little annoyed at the love triangle in this book as I don't care much for the person she ended up with and I didn't really like the way the author resolved said triangle, but whatever. The rest was still pure silly fun.

Vacation was nice. I need to arrange a permanent version. Although the kids managed to finish the school year and promptly drove me insane. I have wished lovely wife a decent amount of luck in dealing with them. We managed some games and some ice cream and so on. Just made chocolate this time, but it was quite yummy. I think we've done about 4 gallons of ice cream since just before Mother's Day. Which explains why I need to go back to exercising...

I snagged Assassin's Creed II on the PS3 while it was on sale on PSN. It's an enjoyable game in a wander around Renaissance Italy and kill people sort of way. G and I also managed to make it through Pixel Junk Shooter. It was a lot of fun to play together. We might have to snag the sequel at some point.

Lovely wife has decreed that I am no longer able to make the hamburger patties. Just because I added too much bbq sauce (is it my fault she buys boring bbq sauce and I think it needs more?) and the burgers fell apart while I was grilling them. They may not have been burger shaped by the time they were done, but they were delicious... I need more potato salad.

So Prometheus comes out tomorrow. I think lovely wife and I and some friends will actually make the show this weekend. A late anniversary date. Speaking of, I suppose I should point out that I've managed to somehow put up with her for the last 17 years now. In spite of things like a lack of anniversary gifts and so on. Now, if you listened to her, I'm sure she would claim the lion's share of putting up with over those years, but this is my blog, so I get to color things my way. People continue to point out that this makes us old. Well that and having a kid that's technically going to be a Freshman next year (even if she isn't in the High School yet). Or a certain birthday I have later this year with the numbers 4 and 0 in it. Eh. What do they know? All I have to say is that I've earned every gray hair I've got and I wear them with pride. So happy anniversary sweetie. Even if you are old. And don't get me anything.

A brief list of things that are awesome: blackened mahi mahi fish tacos, my Mom's potato salad, cheeseburgers, kicking my wife's butt at mini golf, ditto for Rivals of Catan, watching her win 250 tickets on the stack 'em game at the arcade (even if she did then spend them on a pirate duck), horror movies.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Prelude to nothing

Vacation looms. This is good. I am in need of some down time. Alas we shall have to wait for another month before Dad can make it out and we really goof off. I expect this time will consist of some grilling, some ice cream and some games. And lots and lots of nothing. Except maybe sleep. Sleep sounds good.

Killer Elite was an interesting little action movie. Apparently it was based on a true story. It certainly ended ridiculously enough to be true.

I am sort of addicted to Ninjatown: Trees of Doom. It's just a non stop climbing game, but it's strangely compelling. And Motoheroz or however they spell that is worse. It's a Trials-like racing game on the iPad. You're trying to get the best time on a short race course that involves lots of jumps and hills and so on. You control the angle of the vehicle as well as its speed. It plugs right into the OCD center of my brain. Must get perfect run and beat stupid computer ghost car...

I introduced McK to Settlers of Catan last weekend. We didn't make it through a whole game. Mostly because lovely wife was about to throttle me. I had managed to cut one of her cities off onto one little corner of the board. It produced ore pretty reliably but we were racing for the 2:1 ore trading spot. If I'd managed to snag that spot she'd have been pretty dead in the water. McK wasn't too much better off. Ok , so we really stopped because it was late and McK needed to go to bed, but I like the other reason better.

Psst, the third Hex Hall book is out. It's pretty good so far. Although I have issues with the love triangle.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Alas poor blog

I finished both Let's Pretend this Never Happened and Red, White and Blood over this past week. One was extremely funny and worth reading, the other had it's moments but wasn't quite as good as the two previous installments. A shame really. Lawson's book (the funny one) was hilarious, horrifying, and surprisingly sweet. Quite often at the same time. If you've read her posts over at The Bloggess, you know what you're getting into. Otherwise be prepared for lots of humor, swearing and randomness. Giant metal chickens will be mentioned.

Farnsworth's book (the vampire one) is enjoyable enough, but doesn't quite match up with the two previous Cade novels. I'm not quite certain what it was either. The plot is decent enough and the characters are fun to hang out with again (except for Holt, really don't care for her) so I'm not sure why I didn't like it as much. The ending certainly leaves you wondering what will happen in the sequel. That book has some potential.

(Psst, the third Hex Hall book is out. I'm going to have to read it.)

Last week there was a giant sale on Pixeljunk games over on PSN. I snagged about 4 of them for $3. They are all rather enjoyable. Racer is a fun little slot car type game with a lot of different game modes. Plus the multiplayer can be pretty good. Monsters is tower defense, Shooter is a sort of Defender like type game with a heat mechanic (your ship will overheat and explode if you don't cool it off), and Eden is a puzzle/dexterity game where you need to help grow a garden by guiding a critter around the level in search of pollen and seed type things.

McK is trying to overcome a serious losing streak in softball. They've had to cancel one game and lost the other three. Four, possibly five to go. M has her first game (I believe) tonight. We shall see... Well, lovely wife will at any rate.

Epic Games over in Lehi does a family game night on Mondays. We finally managed to make it over and learned to play Evo. It's an interesting little game where you play dinosaurs trying to stay alive as long as you can before the meteor crashes into the Earth destroying everyone. It has a nifty little mechanic where you can bid on traits that will help you survive (fur for colder areas, umbrellas for warmer areas, feet to help you move more dinosaurs, etc.) by using your victory points. So you can potentially bid lots to get what you need, but then lose the game because you spent your points. G now wants a copy. I wouldn't mind one either. Unfortunately, we were playing the first edition of the game and the reprint changed things up some. So you no longer get little chits to attach to your dinosaur to show your upgrades and so on. It looks like it's pretty hard to find the first edition. So if any of you run across the old Descartes/Eurogames edition, let us know (not the new Asmodee box with the realistic looking dinosaurs on the cover).

Thursday, May 10, 2012

catching up

Finally had a chance to watch Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and it was indeed a fine continuation of that series. I think I still liked the third one a touch more, but this is an enjoyable follow up. More missions. More impossibles. It'll be interesting to see where they go from here. And I was glad to see Simon Pegg get some decent screen time. Too bad about the mask.

Takenoko  is an addictive puzzle-y sort of game where you are trying to grow a bamboo garden while a panda eats some of your efforts. You take turns performing a couple of actions such as placing a new bamboo plot, growing bamboo, eating bamboo, irrigating a new section of the garden etc. in order to complete objectives you have (found on cards that you can draw). Once one player has completed a set number of objectives remaining players get one more turn and then scores are tallied. I find myself thinking about this game a lot and wanting to play it more. Definitely worth playing.

Speaking of playing games, we had our monthly board game weekend and celebrated Cinco de Mayo at the same time. Games! Fish tacos! Ice cream! A pinata! Taco Soup! It was a grand time. Plus we got to play a lot of games. So yay.

And speaking of ice cream, our second batch was not quite as successful as our first. This time we tried for a chocolate peanut butter ice cream, but it was a slightly different base and we managed to scorch it just a little. If you didn't know better you might think we had just used a very dark chocolate. Having been involved in the creation process, I could tell it was a little burnt. Alas. We shall continue to try though! More ice creams!

G managed to score a goal in his last soccer game of the season. He told his big sister he was going to score one for her since it was her birthday. Of course, he also told her they'd win their game. Or at least try to. And it sounds like they were off to a decent start. They were tied 3-3 when I managed to get there, but at that point the other team pulled ahead and the game ended 6-3. Oh well. He had fun and did manage to score a goal, so good for him.

I haven't finished Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson, but I can confirm it is hilarious. Of course if you know who she is, this comes as no surprise. It's pretty darn funny. And then you feel bad for laughing at her misfortunes.

Now if we can just convince the kids that they don't all need to be sixty different places at once...

And in case you missed the reference up there a Happy Birthday to McK. I refuse to believe she's as old as she thinks she is. For some strange reason she wants to have a birthday party where she and her friends play some board games. I can't for the life of me figure out why. There certainly won't be any adults at this party she can force her presence upon... Weird. Oh well, I suspect she'll have some fun anyway.

Thursday, May 03, 2012


I have been forcing a couple episodes of Masters of Horror upon lovely wife. Mostly because I always meant to watch some of them and I finally decided it was time. John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns was pretty interesting. It reminded me a little of that old Johnny Depp movie The Ninth Gate only substituting a film for a book. Or possibly In the Mouth of Madness,  which if I remember right is another John Carpenter film... Anyway, guy asks other guy to track down long lost film print that was only ever shown in public once. Riots ensued, people went crazy, etc. etc. It was fun. Stuart Gordon's Dreams in the Witch House was a decent adaptation of the Lovecraft story. Those non-Euclidean angles...

For an early Mother's Day gift we picked up lovely wife an ice cream maker. Mostly due to this book. We tried it out by making a gallon of the malted chocolate ice cream with dark chocolate chips. It was as wonderful as it sounds. Soooo goood. We're going to try another flavor this weekend for our gaming/Cinco de Mayo get together. I think there will be peanut butter involved. As for the machine itself, we opted for a nice little electric 4 quart ice/salt contraption. I kind of wish it was hand crank, but I'll be stealing Dad's hand crank machine, so I've got that base covered.

G has officially won one soccer game. It may be the only game his team wins. And strangely, soccer is far more appealing to watch than softball... I'm as surprised as anyone, I don't really like soccer.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Whedon and Waterdeep

First let me say that Cabin in the Woods is brilliant. I really won't say much more than that in case you've not seen it yet. (Shame on you!) Rectify that as soon as possible, because this is a great movie. Also, the people responsible for marketing this movie should be shot. The less you know (or think you know) going in the better. I caught the trailer and honestly that gave away too much. So yes. Go see!

Lords of Waterdeep is our new gaming obsession. It showed up late last week and over the course of the weekend I think we played it 3-4 times. You are one of the titular Lords tasked with hiring various types of people in order to complete quests. The board consists of several spaces that allow you to hire said characters or gain money or new quests, etc. You can also add spaces by building new buildings. The game is played over 8 rounds and each round consists of a number of turns. As long as you have an agent (represented by a wooden counter) you can take a turn and then complete a quest (if you have the right assortment of characters/money). It's a constant challenge to decide where you'll place your agents as you'll always want a little of everything. It plays pretty quickly and even when you're behind, it's possible to eke out a victory towards the end. Highly recommended.

I believe just about all of us have been sick at Casa del 'd' over this past week. Lovely wife is about the only one that's avoided the plague. And for her sake I hope she manages to continue to avoid it. It wasn't pleasant.

G has finally managed a tie game in soccer. 0-0. They obviously need some more work. But he's no longer all losses...

I read the volume one graphic novel for Game of Thrones. It was Game of Thrones in graphic novel style. I suppose I should really get around to reading more of that series. I liked that first book well enough but wasn't quite ready to tackle a second (and more) once I was done. I needed some breathing room. Which has led to the inevitable problem of only sort of remembering what happened in that first book. Not the best place to start the second one from.

And that pretty much makes up all the coherent thoughts I can string together at the moment. Look forward to some thoughts on the book of ice cream recipes I've checked out. Mmm home made ice cream. Must get Dad's hand crank ice cream maker...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Gimme the usual

We had quite the board gaming week this past week at casa del 'd'. Last Friday we had some friends over and played some Zombie Dice with the new expansion dice, Drakon, Incan Gold, and Elder Sign. We even managed to give old Azathoth the heave ho in Elder Sign and save humanity once again. Saturday followed with more friends and Galaxy Trucker, Blue Moon City  and Hanabi. It was good to root through some of our older games and give them a chance again. I've actually really been wanting to get Galaxy Trucker to the table again with four people (it gives a much better chance that someone's ship will go BOOM in creative and hilarious ways).

We also checked out the new game store that's not too far away from us. We may be frequenting them for game nights and rentals soon. They're certainly in the starting phase of store ownership, but there's some potential there.

Lords of Waterdeep is our newest acquisition and I am very excited to give it a go. It looks pretty simple while offering a fair amount of choices and strategy. It's a Dungeons and Dragons themed worker placement game. Should be pretty good.

We are now caught up on The Guild. We have watched all five seasons and were suitably entertained. I'm also really enjoying the shows on Geek and Sundry. The motion comics are a lot of fun as is Felicia Day's The Flog. Tabletop even got me messing around with that Small World iPad app some more. I finally managed a victory over the AI. So that's worth something.

We're all still very addicted to the Skylanders app. I'm not sure what it's secret is, but we can't stop playing...

I gave up on Zone One. I have decided that I'm a genre snob. I don't like it when "literary" authors tackle genre books. This one might have been better than the horribleness that was The Passage, but I really have no idea. I just couldn't get into it. I might try again later, but it's doubtful.

So that pretty much encapsulates what's been going on. The lawn is once again a tyrant and I find myself having to mow it into submission. Stupid lawn. We need to decide if we're planting anything this year. I think we really need to refresh the dirt some. I'd still like some tomatoes and peppers and onions. Who knows what we'll do though.

The kids are caught up in various activities. G is running around a field pretending to play soccer and having far too much fun. The girls will start softball soon. They're all certainly around the house a lot less...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quack quack quack

Title is mostly referential of the current weather here. I like rain. Moreso when I can hear it, but it's nice to see it  as well.

So let's see, we watched the PSA that was Hugo (I don't remember the book being quite so Film Preservation Society! as the movie was, but it's been a while since I've read it). The movie was alright I guess, just preachy. There were a few genuinely good moments. Too bad it was filmed from a soap box. Bad Scorsese!

The kids decided to watch The Muppet Movie without me, so I've not gotten a chance to play with the blu ray yet. I want to pause it and watch Statler and Waldorf make with the funny.

Easter was fine and the kids seemed to have a good day. We colored some eggs this year. I opted to make a Portal inspired turret egg.

We picked up the expansion dice for Zombie Dice. One for Santa (he brings you brains for Christmas, possibly his depending how you roll), one for the Hunk (he'll shoot you twice) and one for the Hottie (she runs away a lot. In high heels.). It's more silliness for an already silly game. Brilliant.

The kids have been enjoying Spring Break and lovely wife has the sunburn and bruises to prove it. Hiking! Biking! All manner of -ings! Fortunately it soon draws to a close.

I'm tired of this cough. Can someone please come and take it for me? Kthxbye.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Let's hear it for incoherency

I don't know if it's the evil that is Daylight Savings Time or pollen/allergies or what but I have been far too tired of late.

We are just about caught up on all the seasons of The Guild. Lovely wife and I finished season 4 the other night and season 5 is on hold and I believe that makes us current. It's still pretty amusing. Felicia Day recently launched a youtube channel, Geek and Sundry which I highly recommend checking out. Wil Wheaton's Tabletop is a pretty good show centered on boardgames. The first episode covers Small World. There are a lot of other shows to check out as well. I just need a better internet connection so I can watch them without having to restart the show every 5 seconds.

Real Steel was a fun little robot boxing flick. I rather enjoyed it as did G.

The Bourne movies are also still excellent. And still in spite of the camera work. (I think I'm obligated to harp on that whenever they're mentioned)

Other than that things are fine around Casa del 'd'. We're only sort of ready for Easter or Spring Break or any number of other kid related type things. M gave a fun little report on Jim Henson and G has started soccer. Lost their first game 6-0. Admittedly they'd only had one practice up until that point. McK is being swallowed by stage crew again. Silly kids and their activities.

Apparently all lawnmower troubles are carburetor related. Went to try and mow the lawn last week and could not get the mower to start. After replacing far too many bits and bobs we ended at a little small engine repair place staffed by people with some flavor of Russian accent. When the guy looking at our mower implicated the carburetor in the troubles the rest of the staff yelled "Carburetor! Always carburetor!" I suspect they had a drinking game as well...

Oh and I should point out that Friends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks is an absolutely wonderful little graphic novel. It follows Maggie, an up til this point home schooled girl, as she's about to go to High School for the first time. Where her three older brothers have been for a couple years. It's funny and touching and occasionally puzzling (what is the deal with that ghost? I personally think it's a stand in for the issues relating to her mother.) Check it out.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hunger. Games. Both at the same time.

McK and I went to see The Hunger Games last Saturday. Personally, I'm of the opinion that they did a pretty brilliant job with the film. I wasn't crazy about the shaky cam that wandered through District 12 at the beginning, but I think it made sense for the battle scenes. A couple of the places I wander around the internet took issue with the movie, but I think they missed some of the point. First, partially due to said camera, the violence was never glorified. You weren't really given a chance to "enjoy" the fights which would have been counter productive to the point of the whole film.

I've also managed to come to some sort of terms over the whole Hunger Games/Battle Royale thing. At least as far as the film is concerned. There's certainly a lot of overlap in the stories, but Hunger Games gets spun through a more American perspective where Battle Royale is certainly more Japanese.

I managed a victory over lovely wife at Summoner Wars the other evening. The game should have been much shorter than it was, but after my initial couple of turns (where I had her Summoner down to a couple life points) I could not roll a three or higher to save my life (or more appropriately end hers). But in the end the Swamp Orcs declared victory over the Benders. So yay for that I guess. I'm looking forward to the eventual release of this game on the iPad.

Speaking of, 100 Rogues was free the other day and is once again filling me with roguelike glee. I still enjoy Shiren a touch more, but this is a pretty decent game for the iPad. And we're still pretty far down the Draw Something rabbit hole. We have lots of colors now...

I took G and M to the Library on Saturday for the Dinosaurs and pizza story time. It was pretty fun, even if it did take the kids a few minutes to get over some of their shyness. It's so amusing watching them in groups of people. Not that I can fault them really, I suspect a decent amount of my own introvertedness has rubbed off on them.

We watched Tintin over the weekend as well. I felt it was ok for the first two thirds. The last third suffered from existing (movie felt a little long) and some silliness. (A crane fight? Really?) I'd watch a sequel though, so that says something.

Managed to earn $10 in iTunes through that Viggle app. So yay for rewards for watching TV. Especially as we don't watch much.

I need a nap...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Your title could be here

I seriously hate making titles. It's like those quotes at the beginnings of the Myth books' chapters.

Finally had my first win at Summoner Wars. It was most certainly not due to having played the game a couple times and playing against the letter 'r' who had never played. Or being at least somewhat familiar with the army I had. Nope not at all.

Watched the original Japanese version of Godzilla. I'm glad that movie is running around on DVD. Good ol' Criterion Collection. I was a little worried it would be horrible after all this time, but it really wasn't. Oh sure, it was a little slow, but it was still pretty fun. The destruction of Tokyo was still thrilling. And it was neat to see the old special effects.

I have given up on reading Liars and Outliers by Bruce Schneier. I had hopes that it would be interesting, but it really wasn't. That and I took issue with most of his premise. So, well, there you go. It deals with trust in societies and why we behave the way we do and the little tricks societies use to build trust in a population that would rather kill each other off and take what they want. Like I said, issues.

Written in Bone, the second Simon Beckett book was also a fun read. I'm currently on the third one. Mostly as the end of the second one was a pretty big cliffhanger (well excepting the existence of a third and fourth book) and I wanted to know what happened.

Got in a game of 7 Wonders over the weekend and somehow McK managed to win that one. I suspect even after trying to account for some cheating that was going on.

And speaking of McK, this weekend we will be off to see The Hunger Games. Saturday morning in fact. Can't be bothered to deal with opening day crowds. At least we have reserved seats...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

C'mon Toby

Paranormal Activity 3 was great. Absolutely, thoroughly enjoyed it. Very spooky and the story it told was also really interesting. So many good creepy moments! My hair stands on end just thinking about it. If you've not watched the series yet and are fans of spooky over gory, this is the set of films for you.

I'm just going to leave this here without comment. Other than holy crap the choreography. I can't imagine how much practice went into that.

Puss in Boots was mostly ok. Certainly the most tolerable of the Dreamworks does Disney films. Although the pop culture references are still a little too much. Fight Club? Really?

Crazy, Stupid Love was recommended by a co worker at the Library and it is indeed pretty darn funny. Not quite sure I liked the ending, but there are some truly hilarious bits. I really like Steve Carell. Which is funny as I can't really stand The Office...

Managed another game of Summoner Wars, this time with Lovely Wife. Got stomped on again. I really dislike the Shadow Elves... You certainly need to take the time to understand the various factions and how best to use them, that's for sure.

Well the weather has certainly turned rather Spring-like. I expect snow soon. Hard to believe we're already half way through March.

If any of you lot are playing Draw Something feel free to start up a game with me. My account name is dkun.

Oh, I should probably mention Quaranteen. It's ridiculous. Readable, sure, but ridiculous. There, consider it mentioned... (What you want more info? Think Lord of the Flies where the kids are locked in a High School building. Only ridiculous. And not really the good kind.)

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Movies! Games! Film at 11!

Shark Night was horrible. Fortunately it was so horrible that it was still enjoyable. But mostly it was horrible. Why are they referring to the bayou as a lake? Why is Donal Logue in this movie? Why are the swampbillies philosophizing about the varieties of sharks? Why are you not watching this? So many questions, so few answers.

The Thing (the recent prequel) was fine. I'm not sure why there's a ton of backlash against this movie. I suspect it's because they're calling it a prequel (it is) instead of a remake/reboot of Carpenter's flick (which it sort of also is too). Admittedly it hits all the notes from the previous film, but you know what? That's ok. It's still enjoyable. And some of the effects are pretty good. Gruesome little Thing-lets... At least they nailed the ending (with the dog running off and the helicopter giving chase).

Roll Through the Ages is a fun little dice game with a light civ building theme. It offers some pretty interesting choices over the course of the game. Obviously there's a fair amount of luck involved (dice game) but it's offset some by the things you can do - get more dice to roll thus increasing your odds of getting what you want, add improvements that let you alter/supplement the rolls you have, etc. It's also nice to know that I'm not the only person to get rules wrong when learning a game.

Had a fun visit with littlest sis. Games were played, food consumed, etc. The big winner over the weekend was Wits and Wagers family edition. Decent little party game. Everyone seemed to like it. Alas, we have to return that one to lovely wife's sister. I did manage to snag a copy of Summoner Wars though. (The recently released Master Set) M and I managed a game over the weekend and she eked out a victory there at the bitter end. Now that I have a better grasp of how things go I will crush her next time. Next time...

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Quick media update

So, somehow I suffered through Breaking Dawn. The parodies pretty much have it, Breaking Yawn indeed. So horrible. Apparently the movies are worse than the books. I cannot fathom such a thing. This might be the first literary/cinematic black hole in existence. Never mind that literally three things happened in this movie. Never mind that the pacing was barely sufficient for one viewing (I can not imagine trying to sit through that again - so slooooooooow). Let's just talk about Bella's sippy cup shall we? Exactly what is the point of this? Why is she imbibing blood? Don't give me that crap about the baby wanted it. Fine. Why exactly is she drinking it?! The baby is not attached to her stomach. She needs blood in her bloodstream so she's drinking it?! As opposed to, oh I don't know, an IV? The stupid. It burns. Words fail...

The remake of The Crazies was pretty decent. It's a horror film whose conceit is relatively timeless. Although the ending is just a touch silly. I get what they were going for, but still.

X Men First Class was better than it had any right to be. I would probably watch sequels with these characters. Maybe. Although the beginning was once again giving me retcon whiplash. Why do they feel the need to monkey around with backstory continuity so much? (This mostly refers to the magic helmet of telepathic invulnerability +1 and Cerebro) Especially after using the footage from the old X Men movie.

Heat Rises was fine. Ends on a cliffhanger reminiscent of season 3 I believe it was. Still fun to read.

Speaking of Nathan Fillion, this is awesome and hilarious. And if you don't understand why he puts a hammer on the table, begone and never darken my blog again.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes was good. It suffered a touch from the fact that it was a prequel, so you knew where things were headed, but it still managed to be pretty interesting. I'd watch more of these.

Anyway, littlest sis is in town this weekend and there will be some board games. This is good.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Brain hazy, ask again later

I am far too incoherent to muster anything resembling rational thought. The head cold that wouldn't leave is rearing its head again and I'm trying in vain to muddle through. So in no particular order:

King of Tokyo is still fun and was a big hit at K & B's over the weekend. As was Dwarf King. We got slaughtered at Elder Sign but I still enjoy it. Also I am very bad at "Mormon Rummy". I believe Dad and littlest sis tried to teach us this game some time ago, but I think it had a different name. Trick taking game where you use progressively fewer cards. You get points for correctly guessing how many tricks you will take.

I have had a strange desire to read some Addams Family comics and so have checked out a book to enable me to do so.

I have a theory about Castle. Mostly because I am reading the third book. (It's good) I have decided that Castle and Beckett will never get together on the TV show because they've gotten together in the books. So, all you fans wanting them to finally do something? Read the books. Actually this is a pretty clever solution if it's what they're doing. Hollywood isn't quite that bright, so I have my doubts, but I suppose anything is possible. Oh and I'm stating for the record right now: Castle's Dad totally killed Beckett's Mom. This is all based on randomly watching the last two episodes for no better reason than they were on. And we happened to be flipping channels. Maybe they were better if you've been watching the whole season...

Mostly because we were slightly introduced to it over the weekend, I threw the Lite version of Minecraft on the iPad. It's surprisingly fun. I may break down and pony up the dough for the full version. If for no other reason than it would be nice to have things save in the world. The creepers are creepy too.

Rhythm Heaven Fever for the Wii is the good kind of frustrating. Except for when it isn't. It would be nice to have some sort of feedback on exactly why you're passing/failing levels. But other than that the games are fun and it's nice to have another rhythm game to obsess over.

And that's really all I can bring myself to comment on at this time. Looking forward to seeing littlest sis next week. The house is about to be overrun by Girl Scout cookies. And I need a nap. Seriously.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Not nearly horrific enough

So lovely wife and I watched Apollo 18 last night. It had potential. It certainly started off decently and even offered some glimpses that it might be a fun little found footage horror flick set in space. And then it got boring. And didn't really do enough spooky stuff. There were certainly some great moments at the end, but too little too late. Plus I'm still not certain about Moon Spiders being the culprits. So, if you're a die hard found footage fan, this might scratch the itch for a while, but really, there's better stuff out there.

Season 2 of the Muppet Show has been a lot of fun to watch. The kids are well and truly hooked now. It's great. And rumor has it that a plush Kermit is making its way to me. Yaaaaaa-a-a-a-aay. He said in his best Kermit voice. I love Kermit.

I have encouraged little sis to snag Ticket to Ride Pocket for her iPhone. Now I must get her to play. I will crush her feeble dreams of being a rail baron in America. Hive was free over this past week. It might still be, I'm unsure. Upon downloading the electronic version, I realized that I have been playing that game completely wrong. I thought you had to completely surround your opponent's bee with your own tiles. It just needs to be surrounded. Yours, theirs, the color of the tiles is irrelevant. This completely changed the game and made something that was sort of interesting, but prone to locking up a lot, quite a bit more interesting and fun.

Nintendo needs to be better about getting their quirkier games to retailers. I want to play Rhythm Heaven but so far we're getting a lot of blank stares...

I thoroughly enjoyed The Chemistry of Death by Simon Beckett. It's a pretty fascinating little mystery that follows a forensic pathologist (think Kathy Reichs' Temperance "Bones" Brennan or Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta) that left the job after his wife and kid were killed. Of course he can't leave it for long. (Or really, why would there be a book in your hands) It's well written and I liked the characters. Some nice little twists and turns. Give it a look.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Grave Incoherency

Let's see, finished off season one of The Muppet Show (it was awesome and season two is waiting in the wings), most of season one of Mindfreak (mostly enjoyable, but the boring bits were really boring), Shirley Jackson's We Have Always Lived in the Castle (I really don't know what to make of that book...), and I'm most likely giving up on Murakami's 1Q84 (it's ... not really that great).

That pretty much catches you up. I have a few more words about Burke and Hare a rather amusing little movie starring Simon Pegg (if I need to introduce him go away and never darken my blog again) and Andy Serkis (he was the guy that made Gollum, Gollum). The best part of the movie is that most of it is true. It recounts the lives of Williams Burke and Hare as they stumble into the grave robbing business and then go on a bit of a killing spree as demand for bodies is pretty high at the time due to the medical colleges trying to understand what makes the human body tick. So it's a slightly black comedy but it's certainly worth watching. K, you need to see this one. Little sis would probably get a kick out of it as well.

I suppose there are probably other things I should regale you with. Stories of G demanding that lovely wife play a boardgame for each hug she took (I'm so proud). Or possibly horrifying tales of a daughter signing up for Freshman classes (I'm so old!)? Or cautionary tales of another daughter trying to find a Valentine (really need to get that shotgun from the father-in-law...)?

Nah, think I'll just call it a day. Too tired.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Mostly Muppets with some Magic thrown in

We're almost through season one of the Muppet Show. It's been a lot of fun to watch. The kids have really enjoyed it as well, which is nice. I'm glad to see them having such a good time with it. I'm not sure if I have a favorite episode, but I did get a pretty good chuckle out of vampire Kermit in the Vincent Price episode. I'm also amused by how many muppet/people getting eaten jokes there have been in season one. And how lovely wife seems to find that amusing just about every time...

Over the weekend we watched Make Believe a documentary that follows six teenagers as they try to win the Best Teen Magician contest in Vegas. It was really good. The DVD also features a tutorial section where they teach you some tricks. The kids ran around for part of the weekend doing magic tricks. I recommend checking it out if you stumble across it.

I've also been watching season one of Criss Angel's Mindfreak. Once you get past the reality tv/street magician trappings, there's a pretty good show there. I like a lot of his tricks. G and lovely wife have enjoyed it as well. Between the documentary and this I have a moderate desire to try and snag this and learn some card magic. Card and coin are certainly my favorite sorts of tricks.

So lots of imagination and wonder going on at Casa del 'd' lately. That and some head colds. Stupid weather... Kids are starting to shake theirs just as lovely wife and I come down with our own. Good thing I have some down time over the next couple days.

Still need to play some board games. And find a Kermit stuffed animal...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Briefly spooky

I finished reading The Woman in Black by Susan Hill. It's a decent period haunting tale. I'll be a little interested how they do the movie as honestly, filming the book would probably provide about a 45 minute long movie. Maybe. The story itself is told as a recounting of earlier events that offer some decent questions to wonder over as you read and the conclusion is suitably shocking. Certainly worth checking out if you're interested. It's also a pretty quick read. (See previous comment on possible film length)

Lovely wife and I watched the remake of Fright Night last night. After taking a bit to adjust to weird remake changes, I settled in and enjoyed the film. It's a decent re-telling that doesn't really supplant the original while still managing to be worth seeing on its own. And the Chris Sarandon cameo was pretty amusing. David Tennant plays a suitably amusing modern stage magician with issues of his own (I was amused by the scene where he divests himself of all the trappings of modern stage magic) and Colin Farrell is a good menacing vampire. Some nice little twists on the old one as well as some decent homages.

I've been on something of a magic kick lately. Wanting to learn magic tricks, see magicians, etc. I downloaded a magic app on the iPad that teaches you a couple tricks. It's interesting. And I think the Library has some decent books on card tricks. I keep meaning to put some on hold. I've decided to give Criss Angel's Mindfreak Season 1 a go and see if I can tolerate modern street magician/reality tv enough to see some tricks. I also checked out a documentary on some teenage magicians vying for a chance to be the best in a Vegas competition. I'm hoping that has some fun tricks in it.

Little (and possibly littlest) sis should check out Triple Town. Totally addicting match three game. I wish I were playing it right now. It's free in the app store. (Not sure if there's an android version, but there might be) Also if you always wanted to try pitchcar but didn't want to drop the $80 or whatever it's running for right now, there's Disc Drivin' HD on the iPad. It's certainly cheaper. It won Best Local Multiplayer over at Boardgame Geek this year.

I finished off Uncharted 3 the other night. The ending was ... interesting is probably the best word for it. I liked the bit at the very end and I enjoyed some of the stuff just prior to that, but it suffers from some of the things most of the Uncharted games suffer from (so I'm not sure that it's really worth complaining about that, I should probably just be used to it by now). Overall, great game. Will play again.

I need to play some board games!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The snowpocalypse is a lie

So here we were expecting all manner of snow yesterday afternoon and instead we get rain. I'm of mixed emotions on that one. It's nice that my commutes have not been disasterfied, but a little snow this time of year is nice. Especially as we really haven't had any to speak of. Seriously weird winter...

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is awesome. K needs to see this right now if she hasn't. Little sis might get a kick out of it as well. You have your good ol' boys on vacation to fix up their new vacation home and the college kids convinced that they're out to get them. This is not helped by the fact that they "kidnapped" one of the girls when she fell in the water and hit her head on a rock. They were simply trying to save her life, not start a slasher movie. It gets funnier from there. I won't say too much more lest I spoil things. Best line? Probably, "It's true, you're half hillbilly." Although there are some close contenders.

I am currently reading The Woman in Black in case I want to try to get to the movie. It's pretty good so far.

Lovely wife and I had a nice evening out at the beginning of the week. Some Indian food and some games with friends. I reminded myself why I don't play Alhambra much any more (everyone else is much better at it) and once again discovered that you should never play card games against Kim. First she killed us at Gang of Four a few weeks ago, and then she was managing a pretty tidy victory at Dwarf King. Serious voodoo.

I am intrigued by this.

It sounds like you can start making your own books for iBooks. I guess the app is for desktops, so I can't play around with it any until we get a new computer but I am intrigued. Maybe I'll make a version of I was a... that short story I wrote for lovely wife. It would be fun to include some photos or other little effects.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year, Old Material

Being as it's once again the first of the year, there's been a lot of talk about goals and resolutions and what not. I don't know that I have any hard goals in mind. I'm going to do my best to exercise regularly this year. I'd really like to get my weight down 10-15 lbs or so. (As an aside, the iPad is seriously the best thing for this. I love that Crackle app. Having something to watch while I exercise is great.) I'm going to continue to read and play some games. I'd like to learn a few more songs on the ukulele (I can play No New Tale to Tell by Love and Rockets and Nothing Matters When We're Dancing by the Magnetic Fields pretty reliably, although I can't sing to either). And I'd really like to involve the wife and kids in most of that. So there you go. Some sort of meandering direction for the rest of the year. It will be interesting to see what (if anything) comes of turning 40 later this year...

We watched the original Thai version of Shutter the other night. It was pretty good. Especially considering the fact that I was dead tired and had a hard time keeping up with the subtitles. I really liked the twist at the end and there were some really good jump scares in this one. Little sis should watch it late at night with the lights off and report back.

We managed to get in a game of 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. I'd forgotten how much I liked that game. The leaders cards certainly add some tension to the mix. I spent most of the time wishing I had a little more money and neighbors that offered a few more resources. Needless to say I got creamed. Certainly willing to try again though.

If you have access to an iOS device, I recommend Wooords (or however many o's are in there). I snagged it for free the other day, not sure if it's still free or not. It's an addictive little make words from the letters, while being forced to include this one letter in particular sort of game. The letters look and sound like fridge magnets and that adds a certain appeal as well. Zen pinball makes me wish I had a pinball machine. I really miss pinball...

Oh! I almost forgot! You all need to read The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (I believe). Probably the book I enjoyed reading most last/this year. (I'm really calling it last year as I should have finished it over the break, but decided to read Castle instead) It's almost like reading pure joy. It's a little Something Wicked This Way Comes without the creepiness and The Prestige without the hatred and jealousy. In fact turn it into a bit of a love story and add a most wonderful circus and it's close. It really is great. Go find a copy and devour it. Go I say!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Back in the saddle

So, new year. Seems much like the old one. Guess we'll see how it turns out.

Over the break I read the first two "Richard Castle" books, Heat Wave and Naked Heat. I'm on the hold list for the third. They're fun. If you like watching the show, you'll get a kick out of the books. Similar jokes/conversations, etc. I find it terribly amusing that they've got Fillion on the jacket and appropriate dedications, etc.

G has been lost in the world of Skylanders, it's apparently pretty good. I enjoyed the little bit that I got to play with him. It's fun to swap the characters around and explore the little bits of the world. Not a fan of the tether they use if you play multi player and one person wants to go one way and the other another. (Disney Universe suffers from this as well.

Uncharted 3 continues to be pretty amazing. Some of the level design is just astounding. The pirate level...

Lovely wife and I watched Limitless and it was pretty good. I stumbled across it as part of an under-appreciated sci fi list (Source Code and The Adjustment Bureau rounded it out) and as it was the one I hadn't seen we gave it a go. It's good, you should check it out.

We held a mini game night on New Year's Eve and played Dwarf King, Skip Bo and Zombie Dice. Oh and King of Tokyo. Strangely, Zombie Dice was the one that everyone got the biggest kick out of. Well, ok, Zombie Dice is pretty awesome. After all it's got zombies and dice (and I really need to snag the expansion dice...) King of Tokyo ended appropriately in the death of all monsters save one, so that was good.

Oh, and the iPad continues to be awesome. So far I highly recommend Flipbook if you have one. Absolutely brilliant way to manage your internet feeds like Google Reader, twitter, etc. I just need to see if there's a way to add google+ to it... I use Crackle while exercising (I can manage to get through an episode of Samurai X each morning) and that's pretty great. And then of course there's all the random games and so forth. I recommend trying out Vid Rhythm by Harmonix. It lets you make your own music video and if you get a kick out of messing with photo booth, this is right up your alley. I'm not sure lovely wife has been so amused. Except possibly by photo booth. Skitch lets you draw all over your photos and that's pretty fun too.

So 2011 ended well and we look forward to 2012 in some fashion or other. Well, ok, I could do without the upcoming election, but that's neither here nor there.