We had quite the board gaming week this past week at casa del 'd'. Last Friday we had some friends over and played some Zombie Dice with the new expansion dice, Drakon, Incan Gold, and Elder Sign. We even managed to give old Azathoth the heave ho in Elder Sign and save humanity once again. Saturday followed with more friends and Galaxy Trucker, Blue Moon City and Hanabi. It was good to root through some of our older games and give them a chance again. I've actually really been wanting to get Galaxy Trucker to the table again with four people (it gives a much better chance that someone's ship will go BOOM in creative and hilarious ways).
We also checked out the new game store that's not too far away from us. We may be frequenting them for game nights and rentals soon. They're certainly in the starting phase of store ownership, but there's some potential there.
Lords of Waterdeep is our newest acquisition and I am very excited to give it a go. It looks pretty simple while offering a fair amount of choices and strategy. It's a Dungeons and Dragons themed worker placement game. Should be pretty good.
We are now caught up on The Guild. We have watched all five seasons and were suitably entertained. I'm also really enjoying the shows on Geek and Sundry. The motion comics are a lot of fun as is Felicia Day's The Flog. Tabletop even got me messing around with that Small World iPad app some more. I finally managed a victory over the AI. So that's worth something.
We're all still very addicted to the Skylanders app. I'm not sure what it's secret is, but we can't stop playing...
I gave up on Zone One. I have decided that I'm a genre snob. I don't like it when "literary" authors tackle genre books. This one might have been better than the horribleness that was The Passage, but I really have no idea. I just couldn't get into it. I might try again later, but it's doubtful.
So that pretty much encapsulates what's been going on. The lawn is once again a tyrant and I find myself having to mow it into submission. Stupid lawn. We need to decide if we're planting anything this year. I think we really need to refresh the dirt some. I'd still like some tomatoes and peppers and onions. Who knows what we'll do though.
The kids are caught up in various activities. G is running around a field pretending to play soccer and having far too much fun. The girls will start softball soon. They're all certainly around the house a lot less...
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