Thursday, September 27, 2012

Very Brief

Community Season 3 is more Community. That pretty much sums it up (it's still funny).

I have the new J.K. Rowling book from the Library. We shall see if it's good. Apparently I need to read it quickly as it's a 14 day checkout... Well, by that point I'll probably know if I just want to pick it up I guess.

I am revisiting Trigun while I exercise. I had forgotten how much I like that show.

Call the Shots ended up being fine. It is certainly a third book in a crude boy humor series. I think I still like Beat the Band the best.

And that is all. For now.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The End is Nigh

For Summer that is. I forget if it's today or tomorrow, but that last day is within grasp either way. And that's good.

Oh hey, Cabin in the Woods is out on DVD. If you never saw it, for shame, go watch it now.

We have played several more games (well at least 2) of Betrayal at House on the Hill. It has continued to be fun. The heroes lost both times to the traitor. There were ghosts of various types involved in both instances. It is distinctly possible we will be playing again this weekend.

I have an idea banging around in my head for a board game. I will have to see if I can flesh out actual parts and rules and mechanics. I will be borrowing liberally from a couple other games. More on that if it materializes.

I am reading way too many books. One is on game design another is Call the Shots, the final book in the crude boy humor series that started with Swim the Fly, I'm still going through Game of Thrones and it seems like there are others. I have no idea. Honestly I can't keep anything straight at this point. You're lucky (for varying degrees of luck) I can string words together in any sort of coherent fashion...

In fact my brain has shut down enough that I can't be bothered to cont

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Almost coherent

After several years, and only a couple actual plays, I traded away Arkham Horror. It was time to let it go. We just don't really get three hour games to the table very often. Especially games with very complex rule sets (or at least rule sets that aren't well explained). I still have a few three hour games, but they either get played more (Mansions of Madness waves a tentacle) or are new enough that I haven't given up on them yet. I got a decent amount of store credit at a local comic book/game store and ponied up a little more cash to pick up Betrayal at House on the Hill. Think of it as The Haunting of Hill House the game. It's a story driven affair in which you spend the first half exploring a haunted house together and then at a somewhat random point the Haunt starts up and one of the players may become a traitor. At that point the traitor tries to accomplish a goal and the remaining players try to thwart said goal. Each team has a story book they read from to get the gist of what's happening.

We tried this out last weekend with a good deal of fun. Lovely wife and the girls joined me as we wandered through the mansion prior to the Haunt. I won't spoil what happened except to say we had one of the few encounters where there isn't a traitor. Instead we ended up turning on each other as we tried to escape. It was actually pretty fun. M and I both safely escaped while lovely wife and McK were left to a horrific fate. I've heard the game can be pretty random and occasionally unbalanced depending on how the house is set up as the haunt starts, but I think we'll be ok with that. The narrative you can create while playing is still pretty fun. So a worthwhile trade methinks.

I also dug out Bohnanaza for grins and chuckles. This is still an odd little card game, but I think we'll give it a  few more tries.

The lawn can stop growing now...

And that's about all I've got. We are slowly descending into the madness that is the last part of the year - filled with various birthdays and events. The kids are pretty much back into the hang of school. The weather is once again nearing comfortable. Now if I could just convince the rest of my life to follow suit...

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Finally Fall

Fall has been in the air this last week. We had some pretty great thunderstorms on Saturday (complete with hail and everything). They kind of messed up the Jackie Chan double feature we were watching (both Operation Condor movies were on TV), but they were fun to watch and listen to.

Also managed to get some board games to the table with some friends of ours on the holiday. Lovely wife managed to beat my by three points at Ticket to Ride. It was most annoying. Especially as I suspect I caused her to gain those extra points...

I read the novel tie in for Paranorman. It was fun. I'd like to see that.

Other than that not a lot to report. I will be glad once the sprinklers are off and the mowing of the lawn is behind me for another year.