Thursday, August 23, 2012

afternoons and coffee spoons

I've always liked Eliot. So I borrowed some of his best for the title. If you've not read The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock you should. It will certainly be more entertaining than the couple little paragraphs you're going to get here.

Finished off Riordan's recent collection of  Percy Jackson inspired short stories. They were fine. One of them was apparently by his son. Slightly different writing style (his Dad tends to be funnier and not quite as ... formal I guess is the best word) but not bad. If you like the Percy Jackson stuff and have followed up with the new series you'll like it well enough.

We watched The Woman in Black the other night. Well, lovely wife watched it. I dozed through the beginning and then watched the last half or so. Which is a shame, as it looked like it was pretty good. It is a little slow (period horror piece after all) but don't blame the movie for my inattention. That's all sleep deprivation. It differs a touch from the book, but it's fine. Mostly the ending. And the beginning, but you need to see the ending for that to make sense.

I want to see the new Bourne movie...

The kids are all back in school. That's nice. They are no longer quite as bored as they once were. Although McK is longing for the days when she could sleep in. Early morning seminary is apparently quite early. She's even up before I leave.

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