Monday, November 29, 2004

Welcome back to reality

Actually, we're going to have to give it a couple days before reality truly sets in. But my folks left today to head back home so the house is starting to return to what passes for normal. It'll take a bit for the new routine to assert itself, but hopefully in the meantime we can catch some sleep and enjoy the slightly more sedate pace.

It was great having the folks around though. It's always interesting to see how different sorts of occasions enable your houseguest limits to stretch. Having a newborn enables you to handle just about anything. They cease to be houseguests and instead become a buffer between sanity and a complete meltdown of epic proportions.

At any rate, now that things will start settling down again (well for a brief interlude before the Christmas holiday rush) perhaps I can regain some semblance of focus. I wouldn't count on it though...

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