Thursday, November 04, 2004

Running on (nearly) empty

Managed to put in a half day at work today. Of course as far as productivity is concerned... ^_^ Actually it wasn't that bad. The worst thing was the headache that starting pounding away not too long after I got there.

Graeme decided sleeping through the night was over rated. So he opted not to. That was pleasant. He's been pretty awake today so hopefully tonight won't be so bleak. Insomnia is one thing, forced consciousness is outlawed in several countries for good reason. (And if it isn't, it should be...)

My friend An acquaintance has been sending me old Calvin and Hobbes strips. Today's was terribly appropriate and dealt with Calvin's Dad escaping to work in order to avoid the little terror. I have no idea why that's funny. None at all... <whistles innocently> I really hope they come out with that complete collection.

And finally the comic store called today to let me know that Daisy Kutter #3 is in. Never mind the fact that somehow he neglected to get #2 for us... <sigh>

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