Friday, November 26, 2004

Black and blue Friday

Well, I don't have what it takes to be a diehard Black Friday shopper. I was hoping to snag a digital camera from Best Buy this morning, but no joy. It's at least partially my fault for deciding to go to the brand new store that was a little closer to a couple other places we wanted to hit. They had no clue what they were doing. Handing out vouchers to half the line but not the other half. Starting multiple "camera" lines over in the digital camera section. Suddenly deciding that you did have to have a voucher in order to snag the camera. Talk about your comedy of errors. So I got fed up and left empty handed. Skipped the backup camera at Ultimate due to common sense prevailing. Instead went to Media Play and picked up some movies and whatnot. Then came home and let my folks take a stab at the places they needed to run. We're actually just about done with the Christmas shopping. One or two more items ought to do it.

Then we tried to go see The Incredibles only to realize it was sold out. But we picked up tickets for tomorrow so it wasn't a complete wash.

At any rate the artificial spike in the economy is pretty much over and we can go back to what passes for normality. I suspect we should all band together and smack the retail industry on the nose with the rolled up economy and teach them that they really can't get away with this crap.

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