Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Random Scottish moment

I spent a couple years in Scotland and completely fell in love with the place. It was Burns Night a couple days ago - time for haggis and poetry and friends. I've had haggis and actually like it quite a bit. I'm not brave enough to buy any over here - I suspect it's better from the country that makes it on a regular basis. There was a butcher by one of the flats I lived in for a while that was absolutely wonderful. I often stopped by for caramel squares, but also picked up a haggis once and even got him to do a turkey for Thanksgiving. (Not that he knew what we wanted the turkey for...) I miss being able to shop like that, a butcher for meat, and little shops for produce or various odds and ends. I think some of the bigger cities offer you that opportunity, especially if they incorporate any sort of ethnic community which offer their own specialty shops, and it can be quite nice.

Anyway, this moment of complete randomness was brought to you by the recent post over at Websnark concerning Burns Night. I developed a bit of a fondness for his poetry after my time there and I can say with a certainty that "my heart's in the highlands, a chasin' the deer..." If you ever get the chance to go, take it. Beautiful place Scotland.


Anonymous said...

o sure say if you ever get the chance to go take it, but don't take your wife for our 10th anniversary. boo on you! ^_^

d said...
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