Saturday, January 08, 2005

Here shark, shark, shark

Watched Open Water last night. Great movie. It was pretty intense and the last 20 minutes or so are quite gripping. In fact, I'd say the thunderstorm sequence ranks up there as one of my favorite moments of suspense in film. Definite edge of your seat stuff. The actors did a great job showing us the possible last hours of two people placed in an impossible situation. In a lot of ways this is the low budget version of The Perfect Storm. Both films take a look at people and what happens to them when they know things have seriously turned for the worse. Of course, we don't know what actually transpired between any of the people in either of those situations, but it's not hard to imagine something like what is shown in either of these films being the case.

One of my favorite little moments in Open Water was discovering Daniel's last name was Kintner. I believe that's the last name of the boy in Jaws that got eaten by the shark. Nice touch... So if you're in the mood for an intense character piece, Open Water is a pretty good choice.

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