So, I finished I, robot by Asimov. It was an interesting read for the most part. Some of the stories were better than others, but that's just a generic statement that applies to any collection. I don't know that I've read a collection yet that contained nothing but great stories. ^_^ At any rate, Asimov's collection of thought experiments on the three laws of robotics made for both a nice bit of relaxation and some occasional thought on ethics and logic. Having seen the recent movie, I can now compare them better and while the movie didn't use any of the stories outright, it did feature the same questioning nature of the book. It certainly explored the same themes and did use a couple similar moments.
In a lot of ways this book reminded me of some of PK Dick's work. It looks at humanity and what it means to be human, but through the lens of technology and often robots/androids specifically. I like Dick's works a little more than Asimov, but I, robot was certainly a worthwhile read. Consider it recommended.
Looks like Wes Craven is back again with Cursed. A new take on the werewolf movie possibly? I suppose it's about time they got their due. There aren't really that many great werewolf movies. An American Werewolf in London springs to mind. And you have the Howling series, but that's about it. After the recent zombie craze (and there were some great ones) it will be interesting to see what happens with our furry, moonstruck friends.
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