I've had a Flickr account for a while. Originally it was meant to be a place I could put family photos online for far away family to see. I wasn't very good at that. And my family wasn't very good at realizing they were there. Admittedly I probably needed to tell them. And then tell them again. And send an e-mail with the link. And, well, you get the picture. (Pun fully intended) I find the service to be quite wonderful although I don't make near enough use of it. I'm bad at tagging things (I will possibly get better in my post Delicious life) and worse at actually taking pictures, getting them off the camera, and then uploading them. It looks like there are some nice little freeware programs that might make the uploading a little less painful. And might even encourage more Flickr use.
At any rate, here is lovely amigurumi Cthulhu prepared to devour a helpless ship at, err, sea. Lovely wife finally finished Cthulhu (after going only slightly insane) and he has made his way to my desk. All must submit to Dread Cthulhu. If only to bask in his evil cuteness.
Hmmnnn. so where are these pictures I never knew existed? Have you finished Twilight yet??? I know H has!!!
Here you go. As for Twilight, what do you think?
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