Monday, January 23, 2006

Begin again

And Monday strikes like a trip to the dentist. Actually I went to the dentist today and it was fine. Miranda kept trying to locate someone who could look at her teeth. No fear of the dentist whatsoever in our children... Of course, the teenage years may change that.

I start volunteering at the library tomorrow, so expect the previously mentioned gaps in coverage to start up. Will attempt to do what I can to keep it minimal, but absolutely no promises.

Ran across a podcast by Penn Jillette. Somewhat amusing. It's mostly a capture of the radio show he does for XM FreeFM. Neil Gamain's podcast is up over at Author's on Tour. Will check it out over the next couple days. I've actually got quite a few I need to get through.

And the latest candidate for games as art is Electroplankton on the DS. Actually the better question is whether it's a game. If nothing else it lets you play around with music, so that's a bonus.

And I just need to point out that I managed 20k points on the quest mode of Zoo Keeper. Mostly because it will annoy the heck out of my wife. Hi honey. ^_^


Anonymous said...

Penn doesn't have a radio show on any satellite station. It's terrestrial - FreeFm / Infinity - Howard's old company.

d said...

And sadly, I knew that. I just figured FreeFM was an XM-y sort of thing. Duly noted. Thanks!