I start volunteering at the library tomorrow, so expect the previously mentioned gaps in coverage to start up. Will attempt to do what I can to keep it minimal, but absolutely no promises.
Ran across a podcast by Penn Jillette. Somewhat amusing. It's mostly a capture of the radio show he does for
And the latest candidate for games as art is Electroplankton on the DS. Actually the better question is whether it's a game. If nothing else it lets you play around with music, so that's a bonus.
And I just need to point out that I managed 20k points on the quest mode of Zoo Keeper. Mostly because it will annoy the heck out of my wife. Hi honey. ^_^
Penn doesn't have a radio show on any satellite station. It's terrestrial - FreeFm / Infinity - Howard's old company.
And sadly, I knew that. I just figured FreeFM was an XM-y sort of thing. Duly noted. Thanks!
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