Monday, March 14, 2005

Monday, Monday

Well, after a weekend that was far too short and much too loud, Monday arrives. Shoot me now. I really like Zombies!!! It's a pretty fun game. Here is my piece of advice for Monday the 14th of March, 2005: if the helipad shows up and you have a decent amount of ammo, head for the helipad! Don't waste your time dorking around in the building you're currently in so you can get, "Just one more bullet". You'll lose. Trust me on this.

And in order to beat one more horse to death, Firefly is also still excellent. I really can just sit and watch that show over and over.

So, The Incredibles comes out tomorrow. That's grand. I'll be snagging a copy on my way home. I'm looking forward to submersing myself in the goodness that is the film and the extras over the course of the week.

Can I throw one more non-paragraph into this post? Sure I can. And now I can go to sleep...

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