You'll sense a trend for the next three books. Mostly because my holds at the library strangely all came in at the same time. Anyway. Book seven was Deception Point by Dan Brown. Brown, in some ways, reminds me a lot of Crichton. Take a plausible premise, throw in some fiction and mix. Brown doesn't pull it off as well as Crichton (well, earlier Crichton anyway) mostly because he telegraphs his moves. You can see the deus ex machina lumbering towards you for most of the "cliffhangers" in the story. I will admit to being caught off guard a couple times in this one, but that's mostly my own fault. I'm always a little too willing to overlook the really obvious bad guy for the obvious bad guy. Which means I can read mysteries and enjoy them. ^_^
So. Government coverups, bastard politicians, NASA blunders, and hot scientists. What's not to like? The book equivalent of a popcorn movie, Deception Point was a fun read and did offer some food for thought. Mostly along the lines of how we perceive NASA these days and what it might take to restore some of it's lost luster. As well as other possible ends for the space program. I have no idea how much of what's covered is legit. I doubt I'll do the research. I'll probably track down my friend over at Scaled and ask her about some of their recent experiences from this point of view. But mostly it's just a fun read. And there you go.
Up next is Digital Fortress and then Angels and Demons and then I'll be moving on to someone else. If I can take that much Brown. I had a serious Cussler overdose a couple years ago and I find it really hard to read him any more without breaking out into serious giggles and eye-rolling. Speaking of Cussler, what's up with that trailer for Sahara? McConaughey as Dirk Pitt? Seriously? <shudder> We need another weep for Hollywood moment...
And with that, enjoy the weekend!
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