Monday, March 07, 2005

Game journalism

There's been a lot of talk about the "new game journalism". Here's an article that rounds up a few examples. The Prince of Persia piece as well as any of the Shoot Club articles are worth perusing. In a lot of ways this is a movement against traditional reviews and more a commentary on how games are part of our lives. Our reactions to games. The way they worm their way into our lives and affect us. It's certainly an interesting trend. It's only sort of caught on. I suspect there's a lot more of it on the web where you don't have the costs and need for readers that come with print publications. Which is a shame. I'd certainly be interested in a videogame magazine that wasn't just a series of scaled reviews and hype previews. And it can be hard to find even on the web. The more traditional game sites are starting to embrace it to some extent (there have been a few pieces over at 1up and insert credit that qualify, but I'd be hard pressed to point out too many more. Of course, I've really cut back on the game sites I hit any more as well. It's possible that this style may revitalize gaming journalism. Certainly couldn't hurt...

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