Saturday, March 19, 2005

Ahh Quiet

House is pretty quiet at the moment. McKenna is off to a birthday party and Miranda and my wife are off to do shopping. So Graeme and I are just chillin' here at the house. It's definitely a vast improvement upon last weekend.

If you haven't seen this, it's certainly worth a chuckle. I have little to no desire to see Star Wars Episode III in the theater. Oddly, I enjoyed the first episode, but II killed any desire I have to see the dark alley where Lucas kills off the series. There's already talk of Lucas trying to redo Episodes IV-VI in 3D. He just can't leave the poor thing alone. It's a bit sad really. He reminds me of a character from some book I was forced to read in High School (Of Human Bondage I think) that kept painting the same scene over and over as it was the only thing he'd done well...

Well, enjoy your weekend. Go watch The Incredibles or play a game or bask in what sunshine you can find.

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