My boss brought in some fresh Roma tomatoes the other day, so my wife and I decided to try and make spaghetti sauce this evening. Try would certainly be the operating word there. We'll have to mark this one down as a failure. Not of the soul destroying variety, but certainly the wow, that wasn't right kind. It was a step up from tomato juice on the evolutionary tree, but several jumps down and possibly a branch or two over from spaghetti sauce.
Alas. There's always next time.
Every so often I get the bug to try and mess with recipes in the kitchen. I think, this could use some tomtatoes. This could use a mushroom or three. That could use a bit of sour cream. It's pretty rare that I follow through on such urges, but it's fun to think about and every so often fun to do. Cooking is one of those things that I think would make a fun occupation. I've had little dreams of my own sandwich shop specializing in sandwiches that are horrible for you and a bowl of chili to go with them. Maybe some day...
Well, the crib is back together and most of the furniture is in place. We could probably use a small night stand sort of table, but things are just about perfect. I think we should paint a big light house on one wall, but I'm not sure that will make it out of committee. It's been a pretty successful weekend as far as actually accomplishing things, but horrible on the goofing off side. I suspect tomorrow will make up for that. ^_^
Now, if I could just find some way to move the ocean from California to my back yard, things would be perfect...
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