Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Yard

I hate yard work. Easily top 5 of my least favorite things. Managed to get some of it done today. We had a guy mow and edge the yard. It was expensive, but he did do a nice job. I spent my time running back and forth to Home Depot buying bags of bark so that we could put some ground cover where my folks helped us rip out a bunch of overgrowth. It looks bettter. Still need a bag or two, but it's a start. Now if I could just get the lawn to come in. We hydroseeded last year and most of the lawn looks nice, but we have some patchy parts. (This is why I hate yard work - not only is it actual work, but sometimes regardless of what you do, it still looks like crap...)

Anyway, let's just hope I haven't managed to tweak my back again hauling the bags of bark...

Well, enough of that.

Started reading The Knight by Gene Wolfe. Good book so far. I suspect it will end up being one of the better ones I've read this year. Nice style, interesting characters, hits all the genre expectations you expect it to and I suspect there are a couple tricks in the wings.

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