Friday, September 24, 2004

The Knight

So I finished The Knightby Gene Wolfe. Looking forward to the next book (The Wizard I believe it's called). It was definitely an interesting read. As I mentioned previously, there are several elements of the book that come with the fantasy genre - especially the knightly aspect. There are some interesting choices made with regards to narrative and the way the story is told. It reminds me in some ways of something like Kill Bill, Part 1 where it becomes obvious that the story is being told after the fact and so, in some ways, the tension is lessened allowing you to focus a little more on what's happening and the experiences themselves. Also the character telling the story is typical of all of us and tells us only what he wants to. If you like fantasy I recommend it and if you don't, while this probably won't change your mind, it might. It's very well told, easy to read and best of all interesting.

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