Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Not much

It's been a crazy week. Work has been rather hectic, running around after odd TV shows, family coming in to town. Crazy.

And so I don't really have much to ramble on about today. Graeme has come down with a bit of a cold and so his sleep schedule is pretty medication derived at the moment. The girls are trying to cram as much energy as they can scrape together into this final couple weeks of summer and my wife is still off in crochet land. Although she has completed one project thus far.

I guess I'll have to settle for the cold comfort of movies and games. Oh wait, I do that anyway. Never mind. Life is normal...

Although I suspect there's something instinctual in kids that let's them know summer is ending. They've been a lot more on edge lately. Not enough sleep and a certain amount of restlessness. Will have to keep a closer eye and tighter fist on them.

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