Friday, May 20, 2005

Way too hot

It's been far too warm here these last couple days. Unfortunately it's supposed to cool off again or the AC would be on. As it is, we're making do with fans and screen doors. I miss the AC. Oh well.

E3 is over for another year. Seemed to be a pretty good one. For the last day go hit Jeremy's blog over at 1up.

Caught the Tarantino episode of CSI. What's up with him and burying people alive lately? I was also a little saddened that there weren't some better song choices. That's one of the things I've always enjoyed from him. The usual Tarantino clichés trademarks were in full force though. It was an alright episode. I've pretty much given up on that show and switched to NCIS.

Go enjoy your weekend.

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