Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Memo to myself

Do the dumb things I gotta do...

Sorry. TMBG moment there. National Treasure came out today. It's worth picking up a copy. Unless you have an aversion to fun movies. If you're only in it for the Cinema then look elsewhere. And ignore the fact that we're laughing at you.

One of the guys at work metioned that Joss Whedon got a possible 3 movie deal with Serenity so we might have more than one movie to look forward to. He also mentioned some British tv series about ex-vampire police officers. This bears some investigating...

And sweeps week for tv should be done like a double blind trial. That way we wouldn't have to endure things like Dr. Phil/Pat O'Brien commercials and really, really stupid articles scare tactics comedy bits on the news.

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