The next five books are a bit of a cheat. I'm reading the Harry Potter books again in anticipation of Half-Blood Prince. We didn't get sucked into the world of Harry Potter until the first three were already out. I forget why we even broke down and read the first one, but we did and we haven't looked back. Rowling has managed to create young adult literature that even adults can get into. I think part of what drew me into Sorcerer's Stone was the humor. There are several instances, but my favorites are Lee Jordan's Quidditch match commentaries and the cameraderie the main trio exhibit. I'm certainly interested to see how the series plays out. I suspect Dumbledore will be one of the casualties in the last two books. I guess we'll see if there are any others. The letter 'r' keeps hoping Dobby's number comes up.
At any rate, if you're one of the three people that haven't picked up one of these books by now, go ahead. They're a fun diversion and they follow the standard fantasy tropes of morality and the hero's journey. Good stuff.
And how about the NCIS and House season finales? I can't believe they killed Kate. And it was such a gruesome death too. And I can't help but wonder at the decision to bring House's wife onto the show. That won't end well...
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