Monday, May 09, 2005

The Joy of Katamari

What a weekend that was. It involved way too many hyperactive little girls, some rather odd free comics, Mother's Day, insomnia and Katamari Damacy. If you own a PS2, do yourself a favor and spend the $20 to pick it up. You'll be glad you did. Except for those moments when the theme song gets stuck in your head and the dreams you inevitably have that involve rolling up all the assorted junk in your house...

But we survived and that's what counts. Mother's Day was enjoyed by all, my wife especially. I got to hear a funny story about my folks that would fit right in with any teen comedy. (It was funny because it didn't happen to us.) It involved a teenager house sitting and I suspect that's enough detail for you to picture what happened on your own.

And the work week has shown up so I can get some rest from the hectic weekend. ^_^ Too bad the insomnia is affecting my rationality and coherency (well, what little of it there was).

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