Saturday, May 28, 2005

One other thing

Elektra is a silly, silly movie. Despite Jennifer Garner's innate hotness. Silly movie. You have been warned.

Book 21

Chamber of Secrets has fallen and I'm closing in on the half-way mark of this ridiculous 50 books in a year thing. CoS is an ok Harry Potter book. I believe I've read that Half-Blood Prince was almost the title of the second book and that there were parts of the story that ended up getting left out as they weren't central to CoS, so maybe they ended up in Book 6. Guess we'll see. At any rate, you get the start of the whole class system/racial purity thing in book 2 and the Jar Jar of the Harry Potter world makes his first appearance. Poor Dobby. Still, CoS is a fun, light read.

My internet connection has been conspicuously absent the last day or so due to some sort of IP address confusion. But it's back at the moment and I am glad.

Anyway, have a great 3 day weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


The folks are in town now and the spoiling of the grandchildren has begun. This is the one down side to living far from your parents. It takes roughly a week to decompress the kids after a grandparent visit. At least they brought BBQ sauce. Bubba Gump this time. We'll see how it is. My wife managed to snag some Ghiradelli chocolate too, so that's a bonus. Hey, they can't just spoil the grandkids. ^_^

My wife's folks roll into town next week, so there will be an additional period of time necessary to return our kids to normal.

Looks like Layer Cake comes out this week. Might have to track down a showing of that at some point.

And that's really about it. I wish it were Friday... 3 Day weekend ahoy.

Go hit Television Without Pity...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Let's do the twist

'r' picked up Warioware: Twisted and brought it along for the weekly game night. It's pretty fun. It's amazing how many little variations they packed around the simple idea of rotating your gameboy. It's just about as addictive as the original and certainly a lot more interactive. I've messed around a little with Touched on the DS and I'd say Twisted fares a little better. It seems a little more intuitive. Quite the franchise they're building on the ol' microgame front.

It's funny, at first glance you'd think Warioware is a game just about anybody could get into. But it's not really true. While the microgames are certainly simple enough, the speedy nature actually gears them more for people who grew up playing games. Gamers can recognize certain scenarios easier and thus make it through the microgames where non-gamers can't. <shrug> Random thoughts...

And tomorrow the folks show up for a week. Updating may be a bit scattered.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Book 20 and season finales

The next five books are a bit of a cheat. I'm reading the Harry Potter books again in anticipation of Half-Blood Prince. We didn't get sucked into the world of Harry Potter until the first three were already out. I forget why we even broke down and read the first one, but we did and we haven't looked back. Rowling has managed to create young adult literature that even adults can get into. I think part of what drew me into Sorcerer's Stone was the humor. There are several instances, but my favorites are Lee Jordan's Quidditch match commentaries and the cameraderie the main trio exhibit. I'm certainly interested to see how the series plays out. I suspect Dumbledore will be one of the casualties in the last two books. I guess we'll see if there are any others. The letter 'r' keeps hoping Dobby's number comes up.

At any rate, if you're one of the three people that haven't picked up one of these books by now, go ahead. They're a fun diversion and they follow the standard fantasy tropes of morality and the hero's journey. Good stuff.

And how about the NCIS and House season finales? I can't believe they killed Kate. And it was such a gruesome death too. And I can't help but wonder at the decision to bring House's wife onto the show. That won't end well...

Monday, May 23, 2005


I never remember my dreams...

Not much

Not really anything worth passing on. Tried watching Star Wars Episode II last night on TV. Still didn't really care for it. Will probably see the third one at some point, but I'm not going out of my way to see it.

Don't know what it is about our house, but when we have the central air on the basement turns into an icebox. During the summer that can be quite nice, but when there's about a 10 degree differential between the upper floors and the lower floor something's not right.

Anyway, as mentioned not much worth passing on, but I figure it's better to stay in the habit of posting something rather than nothing. Despite the reality that this is still nothing... Ah the joys of silly word play. I once had a lengthy discussion in High School about how nothing was something and vice versa. Made an otherwise dull bus trip enjoyable and led to a pretty good friendship. 'lo Tamie where ever you are.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Book 19

PK Dick's A Scanner Darkly comes in at number 19. The trailer pushed me into reading this one. I meant to read it a while ago, but never could track down a copy. It's quite a bit different from what I expected. Far more drug trip and far less sci-fi. After reading this and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I just need to track down Naked Lunch and I'll have hit the drug trip trifecta. Still, you can tell it's a PK Dick book. His unique world view is still in evidence even through the "trip goggles". Actually it's an interesting look at the addict world. There are times I'm amazed that America made it through the 60's. What a strange time period that must have been. I remember watching that show about Charles Manson a while back and thinking the same thing then.

Scanner follows narc and addict Bob Arctor as his life slowly dies due to his addiction to Substance D. No one is who they seem in this book and the plot bounces around like a super ball. There are moments of humor and pathos. It's not hard to feel sorry for the people caught up in this life style. Especially sobering was Dick's afterword where he talked about the real life influences he based the characters on.

Not a book for everyone, that's for certain. But it was definitely an interesting read. I'm curious to see how they make a movie out of it...

Friday, May 20, 2005

Way too hot

It's been far too warm here these last couple days. Unfortunately it's supposed to cool off again or the AC would be on. As it is, we're making do with fans and screen doors. I miss the AC. Oh well.

E3 is over for another year. Seemed to be a pretty good one. For the last day go hit Jeremy's blog over at 1up.

Caught the Tarantino episode of CSI. What's up with him and burying people alive lately? I was also a little saddened that there weren't some better song choices. That's one of the things I've always enjoyed from him. The usual Tarantino clichés trademarks were in full force though. It was an alright episode. I've pretty much given up on that show and switched to NCIS.

Go enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Mowing the lawn while suffering from tendonitis = not a bright idea. Ouch... Stupid lawn. Stupid tendons.

Today's pick for E3 coverage goes to Press the Buttons. Why? Because I said so.

I'm done typing now.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Blah. It's Wednesday.

And it's the first day of E3. Stories and previews are starting to trickle out as those there get around to blogging about it. Sounds like it's an interesting year. Which is no surprise as right now it's all about the next generation (again). I remember the last time it was the next generation. 5 year life cycle indeed.

I still have little to no interest in anything Xbox. The new Nintendo console has charmed its way into my heart and I'm indifferent about Sony's offering. Microsoft and Sony are trying too hard to make a media hub. I just want something that will play games and be fun. Which is why I've slowly morphed into a Nintendo freak. I see a lot of people writing off Revolution as underpowered and a sure failure already, but I think they're aiming right where they should be. Nintendo has a much easier chance of picking up the casual gamer market.

Anyway, there's some Star Wars movie coming out this weekend. The office tower where I work is right next to a Megaplex and there are people camping out waiting to get in. I vaguely remember getting that excited about a movie. I've stood in a few lines, but camping out crosses a whole sanity threshold that is beyond me. I'll wait a few weeks and catch it later. At least it sounds like this one should be good.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Starts tomorrow. Wish I were there. The big three have had some press conferences already and details are emerging about the systems making up the next genereation. Nintendo announced the Gameboy Micro as well as some details on Revolution. Here are a few places to hit for your E3 news fix:

Games are Fun



That's a good start.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Toys and DVDs

Burger King has some nifty Star Wars toys this week. I especially enjoy the mini ships. I had to confiscate liberate my daughter's X-wing... The Han Solo in carbonite toy is pretty cool as well.

So. The Grudge is being re-released on DVD this week in a special unrated extended cut style format. Bastards. This is my least favorite aspect of DVD. The double dip. Why must they do this? I really want to check out some of the extra stuff on the new edition, but there's no way I can talk my wife into picking up another version. The one we own creeps her out enough. Heh... Talk about someone dying in the grip of a powerful rage. Watch out evil Hollywood marketing weasels, you shall not escape my wrath!

The letter 'r' has totally fallen under the spell of the GBA. Mwa ha ha. Soon the GBA shall overtake all.

Yeah, that's about all I got.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Ramping up

Well, the big three are gearing up for E3. Last night was Microsoft's MTV debut confirmation of the Xbox 360. Sony may release the PS3 this year after all, and details are starting to come out about Nintendo's Revolution. Giddiness commences. It'll be an interesting 3 days, that's for sure.

We hooked the letter 'r' on Katamari Damacy. Beware the katamari. It will roll you up, along with the rest of the world.

And the weekend rolls up to meet us.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Good Aura Day

Today was one of those days. Y'know, the rare good days where you get to make people feel silly for missing those should-be-obvious mistakes. Actually, my karma was just tipping the other way for being on the receiving end last week. But it's always fun to walk up to somebody, hear they've been stuck on something fo a couple hours and then help them see the problem in a couple seconds. Heh...

And the Katamari soundtrack must have been created in some secret studio in tunitis hell. It just creeps up on you and won't leave you be. Stupid catchy songs that stay in your brain forever! ^_^

Yesterday's descent into Kafkaesque nightmare has made me want to read some more of everybody's favorite depressed Praguelodyte (ok, I have no idea what you call someone from Prague...). I remember reading The Trial and In the Penal Colony along with a few short stories. He ranks up there with PK Dick and Lovecraft in my book. Recommendations anyone?

Ultraviolet continues to be interesting. They've spun a few new twists into the vampire mythos that have certainly kept me interested. I look forward to the last couple episodes I've yet to watch.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


The 2 weeks of Spring have arrived and we've had quite a bit of rain. It's been pretty nice actually. I spent a couple years in Scotland and grew pretty accustomed to precipitation in all its forms. Now if Graeme were just old enough to mow the lawn...

Work has morphed into some sort of Kafka novel.

The kids have become addicted to Katamari Damacy. It is quite the amusing little game. The King of All Cosmos gets all the great lines and you get the joy of rolling up people into balls and launching them into the sky to become stars. Heh heh heh...

I need to track down a new book to read.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A couple bits

This could prove to be interesting. 3 issue comic series for Firefly bridging the TV series and the movie.

And iTunes has acquired some of the Final Fantasy soundtracks. Too bad none of the piano collections are there. That would have been pretty cool...

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Joy of Katamari

What a weekend that was. It involved way too many hyperactive little girls, some rather odd free comics, Mother's Day, insomnia and Katamari Damacy. If you own a PS2, do yourself a favor and spend the $20 to pick it up. You'll be glad you did. Except for those moments when the theme song gets stuck in your head and the dreams you inevitably have that involve rolling up all the assorted junk in your house...

But we survived and that's what counts. Mother's Day was enjoyed by all, my wife especially. I got to hear a funny story about my folks that would fit right in with any teen comedy. (It was funny because it didn't happen to us.) It involved a teenager house sitting and I suspect that's enough detail for you to picture what happened on your own.

And the work week has shown up so I can get some rest from the hectic weekend. ^_^ Too bad the insomnia is affecting my rationality and coherency (well, what little of it there was).

Friday, May 06, 2005


The joys of Friday.

Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day, so go grab yourself an issue of something.

I may go wandering around and look at headphones tomorrow. It would be nice to have a decent set of cans for those wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep and I need me some Soul Calibur or Wind Waker or Bebop. Unfortunately I have no real idea where to look for some. So the journey may indeed be half the fun in this case.

Philly Steak sandwiches are good. Especially when I make them.

And Sunday is Mother's Day. So keep that in mind.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

British Vampires and Zelda

Watched the first couple episodes of Ultraviolet the British vampire show mentioned previously. I miss British TV in some ways. Soundtracks done by Casio keyboard, time taken to actually let you get to know the characters before they start jumping into the story, etc. The first bits are pretty good, if occasionally cheesy. Look forward to seeing where the other few go. If you run across it, it's worth peeking into.

The letter 'r' is getting ready for a trip back East and so picked up a GBA SP. He has discovered how wonderfully addictive they are and has dropped off Zelda: Minish Cap so that he doesn't play through it before the trip. So I've popped it in and played a bit myself. Fun little game. I wonder if I can finish it off before he needs it back... That or claim that it's wedged in my GBA. Blame the kids and a peanut butter accident. ^_^

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Complete Calvin & Hobbes

Here it is... Release date and all. I need this.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Memo to myself

Do the dumb things I gotta do...

Sorry. TMBG moment there. National Treasure came out today. It's worth picking up a copy. Unless you have an aversion to fun movies. If you're only in it for the Cinema then look elsewhere. And ignore the fact that we're laughing at you.

One of the guys at work metioned that Joss Whedon got a possible 3 movie deal with Serenity so we might have more than one movie to look forward to. He also mentioned some British tv series about ex-vampire police officers. This bears some investigating...

And sweeps week for tv should be done like a double blind trial. That way we wouldn't have to endure things like Dr. Phil/Pat O'Brien commercials and really, really stupid articles scare tactics comedy bits on the news.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Is it just me

Or do The Killers sound like Stabbing Westward?

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Book 18 and classic horror

Flight Volume 2 was a joy. If I had to choose one word to sum it up (which I don't), I'd choose growth. The volume itself is about double the size of the first volume and the stories also seem to have grown. Some literally, in the case of one which picks up where it left off in volume one, and some figuratively as they tackle other themes, while still maintaining the "flight" motif. The traditional collection caveat still holds up as you'll always find some stories that you enjoy more than others, but once again the overall feel of the book is one of contentment and satisfaction. The art ranges from interesting to simply beautiful. If you liked the first one, you'll feel right at home with the second. If you missed the first one, pick this one up as there will be something inside that will enchant you.

Watched Night of the Living Dead last night. I can see why it's considered a classic (as well as a genre starter). I wouldn't really call it scary, but it was occasionally eerie and it told an interesting tale. I find it interesting that the best horror films are far more often character centered pieces than setting centered. It's only occasionally what's happening (although that makes for great jump moments), but who it's happening to, that's what really drives great horror. I'm pretty sure this was the first zombie movie (partially evidenced by the fact that they're never called zombies - they're called ghouls a couple times, but that's as close as it gets). I'll have to track down the etymology of the word zombie as it got applied to film. Shot in black and white with a soundtrack that only occasionally matches up to the action onscreen Romero's first entry into the "Dead" series is a great start. Follow several people trapped in a house they don't know surrounded by something they don't understand - walking corpses bent on their destruction, if not consumption.

Despite being an older piece, it holds up pretty well. Although there are a few corny moments, but that's almost a staple of the horror world itself. If nothing else, you know it's a good movie when your wife gets into it and can toss off a couple appropriate one liners at the screen. "Mmmm barbecue" indeed. Heh... There were a couple twists at the end that really helped drive some of the "horror" home. Certainly worth the dollar I paid for it. I look forward to checking out the sequels...