Monday, December 06, 2004

Random Monday

This is a pretty cool recursive flash animation.

Oddly enough that flash animation pretty well encapsulates my day. The same thing over and over. Contractor failed to show and also failed to call to explain lack of showing; that seems to be par for the course. Work is, well, work. And the kids are refusing to go to bed. I think I may have to call Santa and have a little chat about the Christmas presents the kids are allowed to get. Pity we don't have a coal stove. I foresee a large amount of it in their futures...

At any rate, I meant to post a few things about Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (yes the older one), but that will have to wait for another day. Instead, contemplate this little tidbit: Tales of Symphonia is an interesting take on the action RPG. The plot, so far, is hitting all the right clichés notes. The battle system is certainly interesting, a cross between a hack and slash and a typical RPG turn based affair. And the trappings (graphics, sound, etc.) range from quite nice (the visuals) to the workable (the voice acting/music).

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