Tim Burton is a unique individual. Edward Scissorhands to this day qualifies as one of my favorite fairy tales on film. There's absolutely no discussion necessary regarding the idea that Burton's films exude a certain sense of style. Apparently he's remaking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And, also without surprise, he's cast Johnny Depp in the role of Willy Wonka. The trailer is running around on the net now. I almost didn't link to it as on one level it's just horribly disturbing. On another level it suits the book perfectly. I suspect this may be a wonderful adaptation, but it will also be terribly strange. But it is children's literature, so I guess that's perfectly normal.
The War of the Worlds teaser is running around as well. You can find that one on your own. It has summer blockbuster written all over it. I suspect it will be a decent popcorn movie. And that's not really anything to be too ashamed of.
Seems there was something else I meant to call attention to, but it has wandered out of my conscious mind looking for greener pastures. So, you'll just have to wonder what it was.
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