Saturday, December 04, 2004

National Treasure

Made it to National Treasure today. Fun movie. Nice action piece. Certainly worth an afternoon. It's nice to see that Hollywood hasn't completely forgotten how to make an adventure movie. And for a change this one was more brain than braun. I'm trying to remember if there was any blood at all in this one. A couple corpses, but other than that, it was all about solving riddles and actually thinking about things. Truly an activity that we should encourage Hollywood to celebrate more. So go see it for that reason alone.

Aside from the fact that it is a long weekend for me, it's felt like a long weekend. And not entirely in the, oh goody, I have three days off sort of sense. I'm being forced out of my comfort zone and I'm rather cranky about it...

We finally heard from the contractor and on Monday we should be entering the (hopefully) last phase of the whole leaking pipe debacle.

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