Tuesday, February 22, 2005

And the work week rises from the grave...

So, like all good things (curse you only the good things dying young!) the three day weekend has come to a close and the work week is once more upon us. Alas.

Forced Coerced Lovingly bestowed Shaun of the Dead on my wife last night as the closer for the ZWoF. Now if only we could convince the kids that bedtime is more than just a word that passes in one ear and out the other... Any dramatic tension that might have been built up was pretty much ruined by the constant barrage of little voices and frequent interruptions. The best one had to be McKenna informing us that she had pulled her own tooth. Kids these days... I mean really, what kind of kid yanks their own tooth?

Caught the trailer for Dark Castle's remake of House of Wax. I've enjoyed the other remakes they've put out. But I may have to miss this one. They've cast Paris Hilton. And that really makes me weep for humanity. What bright bulb made that decision? It's bad enough that they constantly put her on tv in that ridiculous attempt at a "reality tv" show but to actually make us pay money to see her "act"? I don't think so... Although the prospect of seeing her meet some gruesome end is almost enough of a counterbalance.

So, upcoming movies to look forward to: Be Cool, Millions and The Cave. The Oscars are looming and I can't quite bring myself to care. Normally I enjoy watching them, but this year there's not much to look forward to in the candidates they've selected. I keep meaning to throw out my list of movies worthy of accolades. Maybe tomorrow. And with that good night.

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