Well, sell out is a little strong really. A few posts back I received a comment from Jason Thompson, the author of
King of RPGs. The graphic novel was about to come out and he wanted to know if I wanted a free copy to poke through. I tried to warn him that all of two people read this blog (one of which would have been my cat if I had one - a situation I constantly try to rectify much to lovely wife's lament - and one of whom is lovely wife). Ok, there might be three if both siblings happen to be poking around this week. At any rate, with true authorial verve he didn't care, he just hoped I'd like the book. And hey, free book. I've certainly not got any sort of free book habit. Stop looking through my bookshelves. I do
not raid the ARC shelf here at the Library regularly. It's more like very regularly. I even pointed out that I work for a rather nice Library with a rather nice graphic novel section and I could very easily request a copy (I did). He still wanted to send the book.
So Del Rey graciously sent me a copy of
King of RPGs. The postal service did their level best to ensure that I never saw it by attempting to mangle it beyond readability, but I know a few tricks and rescued the poor thing. And then read it. First off, this is a niche title. It's a story about gamers and manga/anime culture that follows those tropes while poking fun at them. So, I'm sure you're wondering why he'd want to send me a copy. I have no interest in any of those things...
ahem Moving on. I rather enjoyed this first volume. The characters all have brief little moments where they get to shine while the real fun is watching Shesh, Mike and Theo interact. And explode. Sometimes relatively literally. I have a theory (that I'm currently testing out on lovely wife) that you really need to have some gaming/anime culture to really enjoy the book, but I'm not entirely certain. So far lovely wife was pleased to have caught the
Final Fantasy VII ref (which admittedly was a gimme, but still) and she really got a chuckle out of Theo's DM style. Cockroaches indeed... Honestly I suspect my wife has been around me enough that she's not really the best test subject. The book can be a little wordy as it tries to cram in lots of exposition (it's almost as much love letter as it is parody) - which might also help those not as familiar with this scene - and some of the jokes are a little more forced than others (most noticeably the parody game names) but overall it was a good time. And I'd totally read the next one. So thanks Jason for letting me get an early glimpse at this one.
(As a last aside, honestly the best thing I can say about the book is I had a very strong urge to go get out my dice and roll up a character. Any character. And play something. Although I do wonder just what was up with Shesh's jester hat...)
In brief child related news, we managed to build a battery out of quarters, aluminum foil, paper towels, some wire, an LED and some salt water. It was tougher than it looked. But one science fair project is complete and McK heaved a big sigh of relief. I will merely point out that should you attempt this on your own, the step most instructions leave out is letting the thing sit to build up a charge. Kind of important...
It's also worth mentioning that
Bomberman '93 is $6 well spent on the Virtual Console. It plays up to 5 people and is an absolute blast and the kids won't stop asking to play it so they can blow each other up. So there is that downside (y'know if you have this idea that kids spend too much time playing the vidjagames. Or blowing each other up.)
And that will do for a random Tuesday post. Yes. That will do. (pig)