Another week has been vanquished by the ravages of time. That time is one bad dude. Always marching on, turning the past into the present, siphoning away your future.
We had a pretty good weekend at casa del 'd'. Aside from G being under the weather we managed to have quite the game filled Saturday. J brought his girlfriend along and we consumed good food and good games. Some Rummikub, a little Citadels, Ra the Dice Game, Gang of Four, Coloretto. Seems like there was another one or two, but I can't recall what they were now. Point is we had fun and spent most of the day having a grand time. Even the girls joined in during Citadels.
We also picked up the first 9 episodes of the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon for $5 at Target. It was mostly a silly purchase, but it has been a little fun to watch them. The kids seem to find them pretty interesting. I find that amusing too. Speaking of watching silly things, in a fit of sheer boredom I let lovely wife throw in the first couple episodes of Roswell. It's better than Twilight, I'll give it that. It's silly, but certainly not the worst thing I've ever sat through.
I have come to the conclusion that I have little tolerance for broadcast tv. I much prefer it in DVD or taped format. That way I can watch it at my leisure and at my pace. Can't stand commercials and tying myself to a broadcast schedule... Which is causing problems now that several of the shows we watch are back on. Oh well.
I have a new mascot for the blog, but I failed to get a picture taken to share with you lot. So that will happen soon. As a hint I will only comment that it is plush and madness inducing.
Oh, in a very brief political comment I will simply point out that 5 out of 4 Supreme Court Justices are complete morons. Allowing corporate funds for elections indeed...
See? Nothin'. I shall attempt to actually have some content for you next time.
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