Friday, January 15, 2010

In which I attempt some photos

So here's the start of Ra: the Dice Game. As you can see there's a score track around the outside of the board, the sun track (the timer for the game) is at the top, the green row is the Pharaoh track, the blue row is the Nile track, the colored column on the left is the Civilization track and the colored columns on the right are the monument track. You roll five colored dice (up to three times keeping the ones you want) in an attempt to place your cubes on the various tracks. The game is played over the course of three rounds scoring all tracks except the monument track for the first two and then all tracks including the monument track at the end of round three. As you roll suns on the dice the counter advances on the Sun track (or you can score points if you roll enough or cause a plague if you get 4-5 suns in one turn - good for you bad for everyone else.

And this is what the board can look like at the end of a two player game. When playing with more than two players the sun starts further left along the track. The game can end pretty quick with any number of players depending on how you roll. In this picture you can see that blue managed to get further along the Pharaoh track scoring some points, both parties flooded and scored the Nile (green got more points), each player managed a Civilization thus not losing points, but not scoring any and blue managed to score quite a few points on the monument track. Yeah, yeah you don't know how many points or why exactly, just take my word for it. Now if this had been that first game you could pretend that the colors were reversed and my lovely wife won. Instead here you see me managing to eke out a victory. I actually tend to do pretty badly at this game. Even McK will walk all over me at this one.

Ra: the Dice Game is actually a toned down version of a game called (wait for it) Ra. I know shocking right? Ra is an auction game that uses a lot of the same scoring methods (I believe). We may try it out some time to see how big brother is, since we like this one. At any rate, this is a pretty decent little dice game that will play 2-4 people pretty well. It lasts a little longer with more players, but is still mostly a light game when you're in the mood to just pass the time. Casa del 'd' gives it the stamp of approval.

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