Well, probably not lots of words. I would like to tell you that this has been an eventful week, in which secrets were revealed and plots overthrown and lessons learned, but in reality I've spent most of it recovering from my head cold. We did manage to take in all three Matrix movies and that was exciting. It also led to a rather strange, if amusing, dream in which I fought zombies. I don't believe I was a hitman this time around (why does my wife get all the cool dreams?) but anything is possible.
I'd like to point out that I actually like all three Matrix movies. It might have helped that we watched them so close together, thus cutting down on plot related confusion, but I just find them to be good entertainment. I don't know that I'll bother getting into all the philosophy involved, I think I'll just enjoy them from a good chop-socky point of view.
I'd also like to point out that if you have a zombie problem, I may, or may not, be able to assist you with it. Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink. (This paragraph totally for you H)
And so time passed and kids dealt with being back in school and they complained about dinners and played Mario and Wii Sports and had wedgie fights instigated by only possibly lovely wife (wedgie fights? Really dear?) Wait. I think I'm losing focus.
We have since caught up with the release schedule for Hikaru no Go (the books). I probably shouldn't mention that the last few volumes have actually been a little sad. I mean Sai is gone (yeah yeah, spoilers blah blah blah) and Hikaru is struggling with issues of identity and... what?! Why are you rolling your eyes at me?! This is serious!
I'm also still really enjoying 20th Century Boys. I'm just about caught up with it as well and that's frustrating. I want to know what happens next! Or in between. Or back then. Well, if you read it you know what I mean.
I actually have some pictures of Ra: the Dice Game to put up, but they're still on the camera. Lovely wife totally stomped on me in the first game so I deleted those and just kept the pics of the second game where I won. If you want, you can pretend it's the first game and assign my colored blocks to her. We're going to have a bit of a gaming weekend in a couple days as some friends are coming down, so maybe I'll get some new pictures. We'll see.
Oh and jumping lunges are evil. Stupid EA Active...
fun to have game night with friends. Hmm wonder what any of that would be like. :) glad your kids complain about dinners too. i guess i'll need to re-watch the matrix movies. since i have netflix i can do this fairly easily. have fun!
I highly recommend game nights/days/weekends. They're quite good. McK is our picky eater. She won't eat anything. G for some odd reason doesn't seem to like pizza. So weird. M is still pretty good, although she has her moments too.
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