Thursday, January 28, 2010

In which very little happens - or how the letter 'd' does a quick roundup

You were very nearly greeted with something resembling Cthulhu based fiction. That's because the blog does indeed have a new mascot, and I have taken a picture of said mascot, but I've not bothered to get it off the camera or onto flickr. So, well, no mascot unveiling for you. But yes, brief glimpses of dear ol' Miskatonic U, the library with it's aging copy of the Necronomicon, a poor student troubled by dark dreams and darker realities. Of course these little bits are far better than what might actually have shown up here, so let your mind fill in the gaps and try not to go insane.

I finished up Norse Code by Greg van Eekhout the other day. I liked it right up until the end. And there were a couple ok bits about the end, but I'm not convinced I like the actual ending. It is a fun romp through Norse mythology though and that still counts for something. Follow the conflicted Valkyrie as she teams up with the outcast Aesir (Norse God to you heathens) in an attempt to stop Ragnarok. Now exactly why anyone involved with the Norse pantheon would really want to stop Ragnarok is a bit beyond me, but, well, there you go. The story does take some fun twists and turns, but like I said the ending is a bit more whimper than bang (Note to self, find a good Durm and Strang joke for this for later... Note to reader, there will not be an actual Durm and Strang joke here later...). I guess that's what you get when you're trying to stop one of the bigger bangs around. (Note: I did not at any time make an are you ready to Rok?! Get ready for Ragnarok!! joke - see the restraint I have?)

Played another round of Blue Moon City last night. It ended up being a closer game than it had any right to be, but letter 'r' managed to eke out a pretty decent victory. I will note that not at any time was a victory by myself in the cards, err, tiles, well both really. Well, if there had been another 2 turns or so and the other two players for some strange reason were unable to move and... yeah. Moving on.

Oh, just so this blog actually has something amusing in it, go read this.

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