And now another installment of Games my Wife Hates. Mostly because she's about to have to play it again. This time we're talking about Arkham Horror. I picked this up because of my oft noted love with all things Lovecraft/Cthulhu. First things first - this is published by Fantasy Flight Games and they're known for a few things: their main line board games are not cheap ($80 is not an uncommon price), they have some amazing artwork/components, the games themselves tend to take a while, and their rulebooks can leave a little to be desired. The biggest strike against this game is that it takes 3-4 hours to play. And it is certainly difficult to carve out that sort of time commitment when you have 3
Which my wife hasn't (see title of this segment in case you forgot). There are things to love - the pieces and board are a thing of beauty. Fantasy Flight is known for their bits for a reason (of course, my wife would argue there are way too many of them). It is nice to play a game where you all work together - it's not something that happens a lot. And the theme is indeed part of the game - it's not hard to feel the urgency that the characters themselves would be feeling as another monster has just shown up, but you're low on health and sanity and maybe you should just try sneaking past the darn thing... I have managed to convince lovely wife and the letter 'r' that we should play the game at least once a year. Mostly because I can't quite bring myself to part with it. I'd really like to give it a go with a few more people (it can play up to 8 I believe) as I suspect that really helps with some of the difficulty. Of course it might make things a touch more confusing too. One thing is certain, if you do decide to give this one a go, make sure you have somewhere to set it up, it takes quite a bit of room.
And this is the point where I send a quick Happy Birthday to lovely wife as she is certainly worthy of said felicitations. You're the best sweetie!
Recently stumbled upon the Yoshida Brothers thanks to the vastness that is the internet and the randomness that is Pandora. They're a couple guys that play the shamisen. And they're good at it. Also the Jonathan Coulton cd Best. Concert. Ever. is quite nice. I'm really looking forward to checking out the DVD of the concert that's part of the package.
Here's a lovely, creepy short story for your October pleasure. It's in the same vein as Paranormal Activity.
And on a final note, ListenUp has come to an end of sorts. The show's host, Garnett Lee, as well as regular guest John Davison have moved on to new jobs. There will continue to be a podcast of sorts, but it won't be the same. I'll miss that show, I listened to it every week for the last several years. The members of the cast definitely fell into that strange internet friend type territory. I listened to them enough that I felt like I knew them. So good luck to Garnett and John and good luck to those still with 1up. Here's to the future.
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