Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Ok. I like Firefox. And I just upgraded to 1.5, but that may have been a bit premature. Seems there's a bug with the Mac version that causes some pretty serious hanging issues. I may have found a bit of a workaround, but if you have a Mac and use Firefox, I'd hold off on upgrading for a bit... There are some pretty nifty extensions and themes running around though. The Fireftp extension is quite nice.

Well, it's back to scouts tonight. May try to teach them some origami. Paper cranes for Christmas tree ornaments.

Kit stopped by last night in spite of the large amounts of snow we received and a lovely time was had by all. We introduced her to Qwitch and then proceeded to trample all over her self esteem by trouncing her at it... She took it well though. We look forward to a possible return visit come the new year. Should have grabbed a picture while she was here. Alas...

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