There will (hopefully) be at least one more post this year - I'm planning on finishing off book 50 if nothing else. But it may be a close thing. I probably didn't pick the perfect book to try and gun through. Oh well.
Hope everyone had a good holiday. Ours was a lot of fun. Took the kids to see Narnia last Friday. Wonderful movie, certainly makes my best of the year short list (along with Goblet of Fire, Serenity and Mr. and Mrs. Smith). Tilda Swinton was brilliant as the White Witch and the kids were also excellent. McKenna enjoyed it, but Miranda hated it. Mostly because it was a little over her head. But if you ask her why she hated it she'll tell you she hates Mr. Tumnus. And trying to get to the root of that results in a circular conversation about who scared who upon that first meeting by the lamppost. Best left unasked unless for humor's sake.
The girls must take after their mother when it comes to sleeping. We put them to bed a little late (for them) on Christmas Eve, but they still slept in until just after 7 on Christmas Day. Shocking I tell you. Presents were opened and fun was had. Spartacus (my new 4 Gig iPod Nano) helps make the work day go faster. Nifty little gizmos those iPods... And whatever you've heard about the propensity for the Nanos to scratch is probably an understatement. I really need to find a case for mine. Oddly enough though it's the silver back that seems to scratch more - I haven't had any real problems with the front.
My wife has been trying to lure me to the dark side of the Sudoku solvers. I gave her a Sudoku game for Christmas and have been coaxed into doing a few puzzles with her. It's a nice way to spend some time together.
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