Monday, November 07, 2005

Book 44 and some movies

Read The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book by Bill Watterson. I enjoyed Calvin and Hobbes when it was in the papers and much like Larson's Pre-History of the Far Side this collection gave Watterson a chance to talk about the strip - some of its influences and some of the difficulties he had. Oddly enough I only agree with Watterson on a handful of issues, but I still find the strip terribly enjoyable. Certainly an interesting look at one of comic strip's brightest stars.

The movie weekend was salvaged by the letter 'r'. We managed to take in the pilot of Dead Like Me and Premonition. Dead Like Me was an enjoyable show. Reminded us of Wonderfalls a bit. Wonder if there are any cast/crew in common. Premonition is the J Horror equivalen of that old TV show Early Edition. Evil Edition perhaps? So the J Horror fix was temporarily appeased as was the movie fix. Tonight we're going to watch Final Cut with Robin Williams.

And Thanksgiving draws nigh. This year we're going to try doing the turkey in the slow cooker - Cider Turkey to be exact. Hopefully it will turn out well, we'll have a decent amount of family around.

At any rate, not much else to pass along. I'm just glad Monday is on its way out.

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