Monday, September 26, 2005

Graeme Determined

Determined Graeme
Originally uploaded by dkun.

We're trying to convince Graeme that sleeping through the night is a good thing. He's not convinced. My wife was up with him for a bit the other night around 11 and then put him back to bed. And then he woke up around 3. I told her to just yank the baby monitor out of the wall and let him cry himself back to sleep. So she did. He cried for a bit and then I heard a thump and the crying started to get progressively louder. I asked my wife if she thought Graeme could get out of the crib. She mumbled some form of negative response and rolled back over. But the crying kept getting louder. I mentioned then that I was pretty sure he'd gotten out of the crib and was slowly crawling up the stairs to come enact some baby form of revenge. So she got up and looked out the door of our room. I asked her where he was. "Two steps from the top of the stairs..." I laughed for a little while and then went back to sleep.

Graeme will not be ignored.

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