Wednesday, September 21, 2005

And the week marches on

Four hours. Four hours of TV worth watching on Tuesday nights... That's wrong on a few levels. Bones picked up a bit last night. The NCIS opener was quite good and House and Supernatural are still quite enjoyable. Four hours...

At least there's not really anything on Wednesdays. Didn't really get into Lost last season although that's probably about to change. The letter 'r' picked up the DVDs so we'll plow through it at some point. May or may not watch it tonight.

McKenna is taking after me in reading skills. She's at about a third grade reading level a week or so into the second grade. I suspect she'll start ramping up at some point pretty soon. Her math skills mimic mine as well. Poor girl.

And I believe Ruth is going to brave the Neil Gaimain book signing in order to snag me a signed copy of Anansi Boys.

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