Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Book 35

The Wizard be Gene Wolfe is the sequel/second half of The Wizard Knight series started in The Knight. I enjoyed the first book, and was slightly underwhlemed by the second. It might have been partly due to the fact that it's been so long since I've read the first book, but the second left me mostly confused. Things were going on that didn't make a lot of sense. I remember thinking that about the first one, but that at some point it clicked. There wasn't a real good clicking moment in this one. There were moments of pure brilliance but they were weighed down by the bits that just felt tedious to me. Which is a little surprising, because again, Wolfe eschews a lot of exposition, speeding up sequences that would be terribly drawn out in other books. I'm beginning to wonder if some of that exposition isn't a little more necessary. At any rate, overall the series was certainly unique and mostly enjoyable. I suspect a decent knowledge of Norse mythology might enhance your understanding/enjoyment as well.

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