Ice Haven by Daniel Clowes is an odd little book. A "comic-strip novel", Ice Haven concerns itself with the inhabitants of the titular town and their lives during the search for a missing child. Sort of. The missing child arc is mentioned mostly in passing and the "meat" of the story is the lives of the people each set of strips follows. There are brief flashes of brilliance and it's interesting to put things together for yourself (very little is spelled out) but overall it's not really something I'd recommend. There are a few interesting meta-story bits where Clowes looks at the world of comic strip critique, but that's about all that can be said.
And so we've survived the first week of the new TV season. The winner? Threshold. Seems to be well written and intelligent. I hope that they have the story mapped out and that there will be a definite end to the show. This isn't a story that should go on and on, but it should prove to be an interesting ride. Supernatural is a close second. There are a couple new shows next week, so we'll see what else is out there. I'm a little worried about NCIS after seeing the teaser commercial the other day. I really hope they're not screwing with the dynamic. I realize that's a nigh impossible task with Kate's death, but here's to hoping.
And as I don't think I've mentioned it, Super Monkey Ball is quite the game. The girls have fallen in love with it and I must admit to a certain bit of enjoyment as well. Monkey billiards is quite the little mini-game...
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