Thursday, February 05, 2009

25 Flights of Fancy

So there's another dreaded meme running around, spawned from the lower depths of Facebook. A place I refuse to tread. It's one of those "Hey, tell us 25 random facts about yourself" type memes. Boring. As if the internet cares about 25 random facts about you. It's probably far too easy to find that many just using Google. (All apologies to little sis who bothered to succumb to said meme. ^_^)

Anyway, John Scalzi of Whatever and book type fame altered the meme over at his AMC column so that it covered 25 Sci Fi movie facts. This is a good idea. Although I probably can't come up with 25 just using Sci Fi as a medium, so I will probably include some Fantasy, some Horror, eh whatever strikes my fancy.

1. I can't recall the first Sci Fi movie I ever saw. Brain cells don't track that stuff. Same goes for books. And the other mentioned genres.
2. The first Horror movie I ever saw (well the first one that was rated R and was viewed without any sort of parental consent) was most likely My Bloody Valentine. The original. Gave me nightmares.
3. I was afraid to walk to the bathroom at the end of the hall after seeing that movie. I had to go past the stairs. And it was dark. And there were, you know, homicidal maniacs out there ready to get me. And I was maybe 10.
4. There is no number 4. Which is a real answer. I've said too much.
5. Star Wars A New Hope (epsiode 4 if you must) isn't really that good. Loved it when I was a kid. Grew out of it. It's hard to watch now. Sorry my generation.
6. I am secretly afraid to watch The Empire Strikes Back for fear that it isn't as good as I remember either. It was my favorite. It's got to still be good...
7. I suspect I like Alien 3 more than Aliens. I'm not sure where to rank Alien. They're all such different movies.
8. Alien is probably technically better, Aliens is a little more fun to watch. Alien 3 still better than that.
9. Which is very similar to my feelings about 2001 and 2010. The first is an absolutely brilliant piece of film. That's not great to watch. The second is more fun to watch, but not nearly as brilliant.
10. I like The Hobbit far more than The Lord of the Rings.
11. I'm not really alone in that opinion.
12. Dark Star is secretly awesome.
13. The Fantasy Lit class I took in college taught me to love Legend.
14. And mushrooms.
15. I'm becoming not so slowly convinced that Americans have forgotten how to make a good horror film.
16. Zombies > Werewolves > Vampires
17. I'm not convinced CGI has made Sci Fi movies better. Prettier certainly, but not necessarily better.
18. I'm waiting for American animation to realize that we're not all kids any more. Pixar is a good start. Still miles behind Japan though.
19. I'm ... pretty indifferent on the book vs. movie thing. They both have their place. It will probably boil down to how much time I have and which I encountered first. Probably.
20. Eh, who am I kidding, the book is always better.
21. Except when it's not.
22. I spent a weekend at a D&D convention when I was a teenager. I'm not really sure what my parents were thinking. I'm glad they let me go though, it was fun. Throw the Gnome in.
23. Where is my car that drives itself?!
24. I'm pretty good at ignoring plot holes and gaps in scientific reasoning and just enjoying the ride. My suspension of disbelief goes up to 11 baby.
25. Except for Terminator 2. How the hell did the T1000 travel back in time? Should not have happened.

So, yeah, there you go, a walk through my genre memories. Where is Scott Pilgrim 5?!


J~ said...

blah blah blah. I am sure you didn't know all that stuff about me!!!

d said...

Oddly enough I ran across the variant before I saw that you had done it. And I knew most of those. :p