Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tuesday bits

So it's Tuesday. New movie day. I forget what's out this week. Probably nothing spectacular. Kung Fu Hustle comes out on August 9th. I expect you all to buy a copy. Or two. Roswell Season 3 comes out then as well. I'll pick it up for my wife and hold on to it until her birthday. She's already aware of this fact, so don't think I'm spoiling something for her here. I don't understand why she likes that show, but it's good for her to have some random TV show to enjoy. Currently it's Smallville. Again, no accounting for taste.

Every other Tuesday I get to listen to Punk's movie review as I drive to work. He reviews the sorts of movies my friends and I watched in High School. The really bad kind. Today he did Barbarian. It sounded delightfully rotten. I may have to track it down.

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