Monday, July 11, 2005


The letter 'r' sent along this interesting little site that lets you know how common/rare your name is. Works for both given and family names. Those who know me will be little surprised that my last name was oddly rare. So surprising that...

At any rate the week is off to a, well, a start I suppose. I can't really claim more than that. The lawn has been mowed, the mower is still acting a mite strange, and the girls continue to drive my wife crazy. Nothing new there.

We've let McKenna try her hand at guitar lessons. It's been an interesting experience to say the least. I'm pretty musical. My wife is not. McKenna falls somewhere in between. I'd say she has my love of music and my wife's talent, but that might be true mean. Actually my wife enjoys music as well. She's just rhythmically challenged. And McKenna inherited that. Which makes it difficult to play the guitar when you have problems locating the beat... So yeah, lessons (and practices) are interesting.

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