Friday, July 29, 2005
Block party was fun. Chocolate fountains are interesting and evil devices.
Sky High was terribly enjoyable. I would go into more about it, but I think I'll save that for a later time.
I can't seem to write a paragraph that involves more than a sentence or two...
Thursday, July 28, 2005
And I made an interesting discovery last night. More news on that should be forthcoming in the next few days. I hope.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Summer woes
There's a block party scheduled for the end of the week. I vaguely remember those from my youth. I don't remember having them all that often, but once or twice. We'll see how this one goes.
I'm ready for summer to be over. Mowing the lawn, the heat, the kids out of school, the heat, the usual. This is my least favorite season and I welcome its end. I've heard rumors that they want to extend Daylight Savings Time from March to November. That would be a crime against all things good.
And we're being invaded by ants. Yet another reason summer needs to go bye bye...
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Tuesday bits
Every other Tuesday I get to listen to Punk's movie review as I drive to work. He reviews the sorts of movies my friends and I watched in High School. The really bad kind. Today he did Barbarian. It sounded delightfully rotten. I may have to track it down.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Whales and Desperados
Whale Rider, on the other hand, is a wonderfully moving little piece about the Maori culture. I enjoyed it thoroughly and recommend it whole-heartedly. While it follows the typical formula for a movie about the underdog hero (heroine in this case) it doesn't detract any from its impact or its worth. And the actress that plays Pai is a real gem.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Be Cool and Book 30
Be Cool brings everybody's favorite shylock, Chili, back, only this time he's taking on the music industry. They opted to compress/cut down several of the characters in the book, but they kept a lot of the twists and turns. So if you've read the book, you'll have a better chance of knowing what's going on, but you'll occasionally be surprised at who's doing it. If you haven't read the book, things are a bit muddy. But it's still got some of the Elmore Leonard humor. I've heard that the reason Get Shorty was as good as it was had to do with the fact that they used a lot more of Leonard's dialogue. I suspect this is true. Be Cool isn't quite as true and that's where it suffers. But The Rock does a great job. So, it's an enjoyable time remembering how much you liked Get Shorty (except for the bit where you're remembering how much you liked Pulp Fiction).
Rebel Without a Crew documents Robert Rodriguez's experiences making El Mariachi (and yes, before you ask, reading this book was indeed a bit of a push to finally watching the movie - I've wanted to for years, but now I had no excuse...) Between this book and Bruce Campbell's If Chins Could Kill you've got an excellent look at all sides of making a film. If you have any interest in film making, you need this book. If you like reading interesting stories about the crazy things people do and the crazier things that happen to them, you need this book. It's a thoroughly enjoyable read and one that just might push you into film making if you have any leanings that way. Great book...
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Observations and cats
Today's random observation: for some reason I tend to like songs that feature a place in the title. Recently mentioned Dakota for example. Also Amsterdam by unintelligible mumbling. What? Just because the net is terribly useful doesn't mean I'm going to run right out an find out who did that song... Where's the IMDB for music?
Apparently the cat person/dog person favoritism is genetic. And the girls have just discovered that they're cat people. (Not to be confused with Cat People the wacky/sexy shape shifters from bad cinema.) There are a couple cats owned by some neighbours that have the run of the block. The girls have spent the past few days playing with them whenever they get the chance. Mwa ha ha ha! I knew they were smart. You just can't trust a dog person. Sorry dear... ^_^
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
There's no budget like low budget
Tonight we watched El Mariachi. Rodriguez's first flick. Made for $7,000. It's quite good. As a bonus the disc also contains his short film Bedhead (muy bueno) and Desperado. We'll check it out on Friday night. For a first effort it's pretty amazing. Especially considering the fact that Rodriguez did just about everything himself.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
They made some really bad design calls with that Prince of Persia sequel. Save points are a little too far apart. When you die (not if, when) they start you back (more often than not) where you last saved. This makes for lots and lots and lots (and lots) of repetition of areas. And boy is it glitchy. It's a real shame too. There's a decent game lurking around in there, but you really have to want to find it.
Started up Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Looks good. Although I hear some of the later parts lag. Guess we'll see.
Dakota by the Stereophonics is a nice little tune.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Paper Mario and random generators
And courtesy of the letter 'r', here is a list of random thing generators. Go check it out. Maybe I'll use the random blog post generator from this point out. I'm not certain you would notice.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Book 29
Friday, July 15, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Hit Burger King in a vain attempt to get one of those Amazon cash cards that might be worth something. It was worth a buck. Pretty typical. Brother-in-law wins a PSP and we win a buck. ^_^ I have absolutely no luck when it comes to drawings and contests like that. My wife won $100 in those gold Sacagawea dollars from Cheerios once. And I managed to snag a gift certificate to a restaraunt at work. But that's about it.
At any rate Harry Potter shows up in a couple days, so maybe somebody famous will deliver it...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Be afraid
Had a half day at work today so I could get in to the dentist. Good thing I grew up with flouridated water. Too bad they don't do that here. Now if I can just sort out what's behind the strange noise the Saturn is making...
Go wander over here for a diversion.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
At any rate, off to go be sociable or something.
Monday, July 11, 2005
At any rate the week is off to a, well, a start I suppose. I can't really claim more than that. The lawn has been mowed, the mower is still acting a mite strange, and the girls continue to drive my wife crazy. Nothing new there.
We've let McKenna try her hand at guitar lessons. It's been an interesting experience to say the least. I'm pretty musical. My wife is not. McKenna falls somewhere in between. I'd say she has my love of music and my wife's talent, but that might be
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Originally uploaded by dkun.
So today was the day - went to the book signing/film showing. We opted not to go to the show. Bruce was fun to meet. He complimented me on my shirt and then asked what I did. In my defense, I hate answering this question. So I said, "Just work."
"Isn't that what I asked? What do you do?"
"Oh..." and then I mumbled some form response thing about medical journals and so on. And he said that was great.
So I can say I've been both complimented and mocked by Bruce Campbell. Groovy. ^_^
And please ignore the bizarre facial hair. I was bored...
Book 28
At any rate, it's easy to say that Garland is a talented writer and one I've enjoyed reading. If you run across a book of his, I'd say it's worth picking up. You'll probably find something of value inside. And really, not much more than that needs to be said.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
After school cartoons
Apparently Bruce Campbell will be in town this weekend doing a book signing and showing off his new movie. I'd like to get over there, but not sure I'll make it.
And that's about all I've got.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Oddly, short weeks never really feel all that short. Sometimes they're not so bad, but then you have the kind that just drag on and on. And being tired certainly has an effect on that.
So. I've been roped into the scouting program. Webelos Den Leader. Well, really assistant Den Leader. I'll pause for some laughter. There is a cruel humor to the universe on occasion. At least there's no camping. That would have nixed any possibility of this happening. Maybe there should have been some camping...
At any rate, I picked up F Zero GX and Warrior Within yesterday. Both are a little more difficult than they should be. At least with F Zero it's a difficulty that should lessen with some practice. Warrior Within is just a bizarre anomaly.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Happy 4th
Watched a bit of the original Thomas Crown Affair the other night. Didn't come away terribly impressed. Mostly they tried too hard. The chess game sequence is a perfect example. There were some nice sensuous bits, but there were also a lot of over the top "Come hither" moments. Overall I'd stick with the remake.
And managed to snag a couple cheap games today due to silly 4th of July sales. So here's to the occasional bout of rampant commercialism.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Morning sky

Originally uploaded by dkun.
I took this the other morning around 6:45 or so. I happened to glance out into the back yard and realized the sky was quite lovely with lots of little fluffy clouds. They had moved around a bit before I managed to get the camera, but here you go. My first attempt at nature photography.