Thursday, November 29, 2012


Finished the newest Rick Castle book, Frozen Heat. I don't really have anything to say about it. It's a decent Nikki Heat story and at this point you either enjoy the Castle tie-ins or you don't care. So, yeah...

I have started reading Roadside Picnic which is apparently Russian sci-fi at its best. I rather like it so far myself.

Skyfall was indeed good.

As was my week off. In spite of turning another year older. Drucon 4 was rather successful. Ugg-tect may well be my new go to party game. Inflatable spiked clubs and caveman speech plus colored blocks do indeed make for a fun, silly game. We also got in some Shadows Over Camelot (I fail as traitor, although I remained undiscovered) as well as telephone pictionary and Say Anything. Plus there was an awesome companion cube birthday cake. (I really need to get a picture of it up) And lots of good food. Plus d4 keychains as swag. What's not to love?

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Can't believe November is drawing to a close.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

tock tock tock

The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini was pretty fun to read. It's a YA book geared towards boys, especially the tabletop gaming variety. (*cough* D&D *cough*) Oh sorry, it's C&C in the book's world, but whatever. There are some brief moments of crude boy humor, but mostly it follows Perry as he tries to do the thing called growing up. With the help of some folks from a parallel world. You'll know pretty quick if you're going to like it or not. It's a pretty quick read too, so it's at least worth looking at if you like YA fantasy-ish sorts of things.

I've started watching Indie Game: The Movie while I exercise. It's interesting and sort of depressing.

In other news I am almost officially old. And in dire need of a vacation. Fortunately I have one of those next week. Happy early Thanksgiving to all of you. I hope you can spend it with those you love and that there's a side dish on the table that you really enjoy.

Apparently M had the opportunity to write about her favorite games the other day. I thought maybe she'd pick Summoner Wars when lovely wife was relating the story, but apparently she went with Betrayal at House on the Hill (which I might have guessed if I'd thought about it a bit more) followed by Mansions of Madness and Elder Sign. I was unaware that she'd actually played Mansions of Madness except for maybe that initial game back when we got it and I was trying to sort out the rules. It's certainly an interesting trio of games to pick. Guess I'll have to get her reading some Lovecraft now...

Still haven't made it to Wreck it Ralph. And now Skyfall is out as well... Silly movies.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Tick tick tick

So we survived the influx of family. It was good seeing everybody again. Had a good visit with Dad and a couple brief visits (that were also good, just brief) with the in-laws. We also saw youngest sister briefly here and there. G had a good birthday and a really nice baptism. We discovered that Walmart makes really excellent party subs for next to nothing (seriously, 6 foot longs, a jar of mayo, a jar of mustard, lettuce, tomato and red onion in various containers all for $28).

G scored a couple Nerf rifles for his birthday. There may or may not have been much shooting of various family members with them. I suspect we'll need to stock up on bullets.

Dad kicked in and helped me upgrade my sad little cell phone to an iPhone 5. It's a pretty nifty phone I must say. I've even mostly got the hang of it. If nothing else, it helps feed my Super Crate Box addiction... I tried to use Facetime on it so younger sis could say hi while we were at the baptism, but it doesn't seem to like to do that too much. We either didn't have great reception or it works better over wifi. Although I think I tried again at home using that.

Littlest sis snagged me a copy of Ugg-tect. It's a party game involving inflatable spiked clubs and caveman speech. I think that's really all I need to say. It will be making an appearance at Drucon 4. I expect much hilarity will ensue.

I keep hoping to get to Wreck it Ralph, but so far have been unsuccessful...

It seems like there should be lots of other things I need to mention. I finished Mark of Athena. It was fine. I think I'm almost done with Rick Riordan though. I like his books, I think I'm just moving on from them. Although if he really does tackle Norse mythology, I'll certainly give that a go.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

No more spiders

Finished This Book is Full of Spiders and it was great fun. I liked it better than John Dies at the End. It's a more cohesive story and I think the writing is better as well. Some truly laugh out loud moments as well as some nice eerie stuff. So good.

Mark Z. Danielewski's sort of ghost story, The Fifty Year Sword was pretty interesting too. It's certainly one that probably requires slightly more attention than I gave it, but the story was fun and suitably spooky. Although I will admit to still being a touch confused by the ending.

I plowed through the next two volumes of The Sixth Gun as well. They were great. I really like this series a lot. More western apocalyptic goodness.

Happy birthday to G! Glad to hear he's not falling for trick hugs that are spankings in disguise. And I am amused that he wanted chocolate chip banana bread with candles for breakfast.

As the iOS version was on sale for .99 cents the other day and they were giving away the desktop client for free for Halloween, we've been messing about with Plants vs Zombies. It's actually kind of fun. Mostly because I like the zombies. They amuse me. I also snagged Girls Like Robots which is a fun logic puzzle sort of game. And The Room is another fun puzzle game. I think my brain might explode from all the puzzle-y goodness.

G and I are just about through that first season of Haven. I've really enjoyed it.

Otherwise, it's good to have family in town for a bit. Although it will certainly be a hectic weekend. And sorry little sis couldn't make it up, but that's ok. Moving house and so on are certainly valid reasons not to make the trek.