Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas time slip

I got nothin'.

Had a lovely conversation with K the other day. Although I forgot to direct her to the Doubleclicks in case she missed that post. It was good catching up. I still think you should stake out the vanquished squirrels as a deterrent.

Castle season 3 continues to trundle along. I've mostly given up following the plots and just enjoy the banter.

Uncharted 3 also continues. The spider/scarab/evil bug things continue to freak us all out. Speaking of creepy spiders, I recommend you all read I'm a Shark. Because it is awesome. Almost as awesome as the shark.

And really that's about all I can think of. I should really contemplate some sort of seasonal wrap up. We'll see. If nothing else I hope you're all having a wonderful December.

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