Thursday, September 15, 2011

Zombies and stuff

Deadline Mira Grant's sequel to Feed was another fun romp through the zombie apocalypse. No campaign trail this time. But still plenty of conspiracy and banter. I think I liked Feed a touch more, but this one is good too. Wasn't real crazy about the twist at the end, but we'll see what happens in the final book in the series. Whenever it's out...

So I heard rumblings about an anime version of Supernatural a while back. The Library got it in and so lovely wife and I have been watching it. It's decent. I suspect we might end up watching the actual show again. It's a mix of revamped episodes from the first couple seasons and some original content. They actually got the guy that plays Sam to do his own character's voice. Dean is different for the bulk of the episodes, but the actor shows up for the last couple I believe. The actors do an intro for each episode that is part interesting, part goofy.

I've been listening to The Dice Tower podcast to get my boardgaming news fix lately. They have made some rumblings about a Top 100 list. It sounds like they're going to take user content to build a list as well. List your top 10 favorite board games kind of a thing. I thought I'd contemplate what games from my collection would constitute a top 10. Let's see: 7 Wonders, Blue Moon City, Coloretto, Dominion, Forbidden Island, Galaxy Trucker, Mansions of Madness, Pitchcar, Rivals for Catan, Ticket to Ride are the titles that would most likely make up the list. Not entirely certain how I'd rate them as far as a numerical order. I suppose it would also depend on whether I was going for how I felt about them or how often they get played.

I managed to snag a copy of Elder Sign before they all vanished. Depending on how it goes that might alter the face of the previous top 10. I technically snagged it for the upcoming Drucon, but maybe I can coerce lovely wife to let me get it out when family shows up in a month. Got to work those kinks out you know?

Speaking of family a birthday shout out to littlest sis and Grandpa. Got to talk to both of them on their respective days of birth. Sounds like a decent time was had by all. So yay them.

G informed us the other day that he wanted a little brother. I forget the exact reasoning behind this declaration but remember thinking it was amusing. Lovely wife can remind me in the comments or something. We informed him he was out of luck.

Here's to hoping I can avoid whatever plague lovely wife and McK are trying to start in our house. Gotta love going back to school...


Rachel said...

we've all been sick to. didn't have g-pa number so didn't call him. i'm lame. look forward to game time when we come visit. love supernatural!

J~ said...

Here's to you not getting game out to work out the kinks! Only know how to explain ALL of the rules. That way the rest of us at least have a chance!