Let's talk about Haruhi Suzumiya for a second. Lovely wife and I just finished watching the second season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It's sort of an odd creature, much like Haruhi herself. It's an anime series that follows some high school students as they are drawn to and influenced by the titular Haruhi for varying reasons. She forms an afterschool club (the SOS Brigade) in order to solve mysteries and hunt down aliens, time travelers, espers, etc. Never cottoning on to the fact that 3/5 of said brigade is made up of just that. Haruhi has the ability to alter reality to suit her whims. Kyon, the male protagonist, is your relatively normal high school guy who just happens to be the one guy Haruhi secretly relies on. The rest of them are trying to keep an eye on her/keep her from destroying the universe. It's good wacky fun.
Season two of the show is infamous for one (well 8) specific reason(s). The Endless 8 arc is eight episodes where the characters are caught in a time loop reliving the same 2 weeks of summer over and over. And the eight episodes are virtually the same. To be fair, the first, second and final episodes do have some differences - the introduction of the arc, the cottoning on to being stuck in the loop and the resolution, but the other 5 are all variations on the theme. The outfits they wear to the various activities change, the lines are spoken slightly differently but that's about it. It really is the same episode eight times. And it's brilliant. Personally I found it to be a great rendition of the "stuck in a time loop" story. And it makes for a great joke. Mostly because they actually carried it on for eight episodes. If they'd gone fewer, it would have lessened the impact and more would have killed it. There are those that think that eight killed it. They're wrong. I hadn't actually intended to watch all eight episodes, but found myself intrigued by what little changes would occur and so went ahead and watched them all. The rest of the season involves a trip to the past to see the event that started everyone's interest in Haruhi and the making of the movie they show in season one. Also fun episodes.
So yeah, Haruhi is pretty great...
Uzumaki is a silly Japanese horror movie. The spirals are going to get you. There are a couple moments that are decent, but over all this one is a pass.
McK officially joins the ranks of teenager-dom in a few days. She's not as ready as she thinks she is. Although certainly more ready than I think she is too. Lovely wife's Dad decided she needed a Kindle to celebrate the occasion. I'm not as convinced, but it's already in the house, so I guess we'll see how that goes. Considering I don't really spend money on books now that I work in a Library, it may end up being the emptiest Kindle in existence. Feel free to contribute to the Kindle fund if you feel so inclined. Although the first thing I'm putting on there is a collection of Lovecraft. After that she can start to tailor it to her interests. Mwa ha ha ha ha. (While it's nominally hers, the rest of the family gets a chance to play with it too)
G once again decided to add character to his face by throwing himself off his bike. Managed some pretty good scrapes in addition to a black eye and some swelling. Little dude looked pretty pathetic that first night. Especially after lovely wife insisted on mummifying him in gauze and tape. He's doing better now, although there's definitely still some bruising.
I guess I should mention M, lest she suffer even more from middle child syndrome. She had a concert last night that ran far too late and neither of us made it to. (Although apparently we should have gone as we might have missed getting asked to speak in Church in a week...) So we are indeed doing our part to make sure she has Severe Parental Issues. Other than that she's fine. Girl is part weed - she lives outdoors and insists on growing no matter what you do.
Never play 7 Wonders with the letter 'r'. Unless you like losing. Badly. Good thing the game is fun to play, pretty much regardless of how it ends. I just like seeing my little civilization take shape.
1 comment:
I can't believe Mac is going to be 13! Wow. We got Kait the Nook for her b-day and she's pretty excited for it. Give G hugs for us for the bumps and bruises. Wish I could get Kam to ride his bike! ugh. Miranda will survive middle child syndrome as I did. :) let her grow and play outside...good for her. my kids like to do that too. Kinsee's getting a bike so maybe then she and kam will ride together. Happy b-day Mac!
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